dwhite1980 Member


  • You can do it just dont let anyone get you down about it.. I use all the negativitiy that people give me about me wanting to be a better person and use that as my motivation along with other things but just stick to it if you have a bad day you have a bad day.. Just brush it off and get back to it. Best of Luck to you
  • im going to a place called "Medi Thin" Besides following their program I also get B12 injections weekly along with taking multi vitamins. and as far as my metabolism slowing down thats what i figured along with my doctor so the last week I changed my eating habits just to as my doctor says trick my body to thinking im back…
  • Im almost half way their to loosing the 100+ lbs if you want to add me feel free..
    in Buddy :) Comment by dwhite1980 May 2012
  • mrs_deg unfortunatly i can not mess around with my calories or anything with my diet program due to where im going for my weight loss. otherwise I would LOVE to be able to mess with my calories but the program im on has helped me lose 47 lbs in 8 wks without exercise besides normal daily routine. Thats why I joined the gym…