I need more motivation!

I have some motivation to lose weight but I need more. I don't want my weight loss to fail like it did last time.


  • dwhite1980
    dwhite1980 Posts: 5 Member
    You can do it just dont let anyone get you down about it.. I use all the negativitiy that people give me about me wanting to be a better person and use that as my motivation along with other things but just stick to it if you have a bad day you have a bad day.. Just brush it off and get back to it. Best of Luck to you
  • spdaphne
    spdaphne Posts: 262 Member
    Hola Saire!

    What happened the last time you lost weight? Is there something you can do differently? You can totally do it, just one meal at a time! :)
  • Ok so this is what I do. I watch the beginning episodes of Biggest Loser. I figure if they can do it, so can I! Hope this helps!:)
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    You just need real friend to kick you in the plate. (lol) I can be your friend if your serious. Just no face book trash please all about fitness
  • urasweethart
    urasweethart Posts: 123 Member
    stay positive and remember everyday is new day to start over. what happened last time that you didnt stick with it? what are your goals? what is it that you are wanting from yourself & others? what inspires you to do better and what makes you stop doing that?

    sorry for all the questions if you need a coach a cheerleader or a someone to inspire you or to just listen. Im here I love that fact of this site your not doing it yourself. I feel we are doing it together but at our own speeds and settings.

  • aktigerlitwin
    aktigerlitwin Posts: 9 Member
    You can add me too if you'd like! I'm trying to lose about 60lbs and finally... I'm doing it for myself instead of anyone else and I've found the motivation I need. Maybe it could rub off on to you as well? We'd have to see! 6 days with the dieting and exorcising... well one day of exorcising, and I've already lost 9lbs. Hit me up!