overcominglazy Member


  • Your body isn't a jerk, it's trying to keep you alive. One of the best ways to do that is to eat 'fattening' foods. Losing weight is not something that bodies like to do because it's counterproductive to survival. In actual fact, your body is a lot stronger than you might think and eventually sheer denial will lead to an…
  • 50lbs is not really that much to lose as far as I'm concerned. If you need to suppress your appetite because you're hungry all the time there's either something wrong metabolically or the way you eat is completely skewed. If you're eating a sensible amount (not the rock bottom 1200) consisting of all the food groups in…
  • I 'gained' 2.1kgs between Dec 22nd and Dec 28th. However, within a few days, I've already lost 0.9kgs, reducing this gain to 1.2kgs. Considering I went about 6000 calories over for that six day period, I think my real gain was about 0.8kgs and the rest was water from the upsurge in carbohydrates. So really, I only set…
  • Does 'on a regular basis' mean every day without fail and accurately? Do you have a way of estimating your calorie burn from exercise correctly (or not eating back all your exercise calories to compensate)? It's not really a case of people thinking that you're lying but that you might be missing something. Do you weigh all…
  • Yeah, you are by about 4kgs which is significant when you're already small (that's like 10% of your weight). You don't need to know exactly what your exercise calories are, just the intensity you do it to and how long for. A TDEE calculator will give you a good estimate and you can tweak it from there. Here's one…
  • I disagree. I have been fit enough to run a marathon in around 3h45mins and I had about 26-8% body fat. That was not the very best I could have looked but it was a level of fitness I will probably never achieve again. Just because you are physically fit does not mean you will look athletic or cut.
  • Thank you! Yeah, once I got over the whole 'oh no, I can't log what I ate if it was bad, that means I'm bad!!' stuff, I could actually feel myself become more relaxed mentally. Now, I sometimes chuckle when I see that I've eaten 2800 calories in a day. It's sort of like, 'ooh, I really enjoyed that second helping'! There's…
  • Firstly, you are really quite underweight. Any weight you gain will not be a bad thing as being a low weight can lead to health problems such as osteoporosis. So it's a good thing that you're not looking to weigh any less. To stop being underweight, you would actually have to go up to 46-47kgs. To be overweight, you'd need…
  • Why do you eat excessively? If there is an emotional component, then these strategies to reduce amount eaten will only be successful to a certain extent. I agree that smaller plates could help. Making sure that you only cook one or two portions of something could also help with the excessively large meals. You need to…
  • I wasn't planning on it, but then loads of biscuits appeared in my house! I've gone over by about 1000 calories the past two days, and I plan on doing it today (xmas) and boxing day as well. So I'll have gone over by 4000 calories by the end of Christmas and I don't care! The best thing about tracking faithfully and…
  • 80-90% looks. The life I plan on living does not involve being incredibly fit, just a decent level in order to keep me able to walk up a few flights of stairs. I have been marathon running level fit and it took up way more time and energy than I ever want to spend on an activity I enjoy, but not that much. And when I was…
  • Well scales are used for tracking changes in weight loss so if you want to weigh in underwear/shirt from now on to see a lower number (closer to your actual body weight) then you need to take 2lbs off all your other weigh-ins. If you don't want that hassle, then continue to weigh in sweats but know that you're actually a…
  • So sorry you're going through this. I am in a therapy group with people with BED (although I do not have it). The number one thing they told us is that many binges can be removed by diet stabilisation. When you have gone through many months severely restricting food intake, the backlash can be horrific. I myself gained…
  • That was interesting. And really, people should be encouraged more to exercise if they can. It has much fewer side effects than drugs tend to and no drug interactions! Also all those other health benefits they mention. However, one mustn't forget that for some people, exercise is extremely difficult to fit into their…
  • I really recommend not weighing yourself more than once a day, even for curiosity's sake. There's no point to it and all it will make you do is fixate on a number that doesn't matter. Yes, you will be more dehydrated in the morning than during the day, but the point of weighing in the morning is to reduce variables that…
  • I don't think this is about not having anything bad. If you're like me and you have the option of going out five nights a week and potentially consuming 500 calories of alcohol a night, you would never get anywhere if you drank every day. It's possible to enjoy yourself without ten shots of vodka. And for some people, the…
  • I disagree that you need to do a detox. Detoxes do nothing that your body doesn't already do by itself, and that's a scientific fact. Congrats on losing that weight! Also 1500 sounds okay, but could be a little low depending on your height (also because younger people need more calories for development). You have a goal of…
  • If you were even slightly drunk, then yes, you digested alcohol. Unless you're saying that immediately after every drink, you threw up? I doubt that, really! I think it's important to log things even if you're scared of what it could be. It's better to be disappointed by the guesstimated amount and face up to that the next…
  • I really very much disagree with everyone who thinks that because you are shorter you have to eat drastically lower than the general population. I think people forget that the average woman is actually only about 5'4". In the past three weeks, I have eaten around 1650 net calories per day and I've lost 2.2kgs so far. MFP…
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