Tempted to binge? Maybe this will help

When I'm tempted to dig into something deliciously fattening or overeat in general, I talk down to my body for being a jerk. It usually goes something like this...

"Screw you stomach. You can rumble and grumble all you want. I make the decisions around here. I'll decide when, what, and how much food you will get. You too hypothalamus. You can't trick me. I know exactly what you are doing. Send all the signals you want, it isn't going to do a damn bit of good. Your reign is over. Another part of my brain is going to make the food decisions from now on. "

Don't let a few chemicals and electrical signals get in your way. You're stronger than that. You're the boss.


  • blahblah1990
    Oh no it will definitely make you want to binge even more! I have been in the same position as you so I know how you feel :/ if you are craving fatty foods, try eating nuts or if you are craving sugar, eat fruit :) these foods not only fill you up but are also full of nutrients. By the way, here is nothing wrong with eating junk food as long as you are eating it in moderation and know when to stop.

    Have you heard of Nia Shanks? You should definitely read her articles. Here is one that helped me change the way I felt about bingeing: http://www.niashanks.com/2013/04/break-free-ocd-eating-build-better-body/

    Tell me what you think :)
  • overcominglazy
    overcominglazy Posts: 19 Member
    Your body isn't a jerk, it's trying to keep you alive. One of the best ways to do that is to eat 'fattening' foods. Losing weight is not something that bodies like to do because it's counterproductive to survival. In actual fact, your body is a lot stronger than you might think and eventually sheer denial will lead to an almighty binge. Instead of denying yourself food, give yourself other things that you like that are not as calorie dense or have what you want in a small portion. I think that's more sustainable than trying to fight your own body for x number of months and years.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    Almost agree with you except if your tummy is rumbling you should have probably eaten an hour ago..