

  • Hey~! I've lost ten, Need to lose about 55-60 more and I'll be set! It's tough because I have thyroid problems on top of all these other health issues, but I'll make it! Good luck to you~, hopefully we will all achieve our dreams.
  • Awesome! I actually have been on this sight for almost a year, but I went through some very stressful/depressing times which caused me to drop this, my exercise routine, and gain thirteen pounds. So, the LAST thing you want to do is let your circumstances defeat you. Be strong! And, don't forget that it's o.k. to eat…
  • Hey, hon C:! No worries, if you work at it, all of your unwanted baggage will be gone before you know it! Welcome to the community, and good luck on your goals <3. ~K
    in Hi all! Comment by kwithcmt March 2010
  • My Brother is away at college, and he never usually notices things, but he came home one week, looked at me, and said, "Kristen, you're gorgeous! You've lost weight!" C8
  • That's wonderful, BM! With that positive attitude, anything is possible in the world of fitness! Don't try running though, at your current weight, that would kill your knees. I would suggest power walking on the tread mill as a warm up, and then lifting weights to build your muscle. Once muscle is stronger, it burns more…
    in Hello! Comment by kwithcmt February 2010
  • It's because your board isn't on a flat surface. Carpet isn't the most friendly to balance techniques anyway. We use sanded ply wood or a cutting board underneath it since our T.V.s are in rooms with heavy carpeting. Sure, it's a little sad for our weights to go up, but it fixes the problem!
  • I would say to eat smaller portions during the day, or exercise after dinner. That would be the easiest. Besides, it sounds like your Husband is making a good balance for your daughter's recommended food intake. But, yes, a nice walk around the block after dinner with the husband would be the best way of fixing the…