
Hello fellow fitnesspals! Just dropping by for a quick good morning and I hope your day is well. Just started with this site yesterday and I'm trying to get myself motivated to stick with it and pay attention. Here is wishing luck to all of us. Hope to see y'all around.


  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    welcome!!! :flowerforyou:
    take full advantage of all the information on this site, the food and exercise logs and add lots of friends for support!!! :smile:
  • kwithcmt
    Awesome! I actually have been on this sight for almost a year, but I went through some very stressful/depressing times which caused me to drop this, my exercise routine, and gain thirteen pounds. So, the LAST thing you want to do is let your circumstances defeat you.

    Be strong! And, don't forget that it's o.k. to eat chocolate every once and awhile C;. Just don't gorge yourself, mmk?

    <3 K
  • JulieC73
    And Good Morning to you!
    This site is a great motivator. Both with the calorie and exercise tracker and the people you meet. Friend me if you like.