

  • Agave syrup is a good sugar alternative, very sweet so u dont need much but its low GI so keeps your blood sugar levels more stable, meaning less liklihood of the cravings/energy slumps u get after sugar. I dunno about a sugar free diet, but this is a natural source of sweetness u could maybe add as an alternative to sugar?
  • I am being bridesmaid in 2 weeks today as well! I dont know if you mean armpit fat or excess skin, I have lost a bit of weight and notice I now have saggy skin in that area which is a bit gross and doesnt look great. I reckon on the day once the fake tan is on, the dress is on, make-up done, hair done, no one will notice…
  • Ha ha, glad I am not the only one! I enjoyed the 4 day blow out somewhat but I tell you what my body did not....my stomach was doing flips the whole time and I felt so bloated and ill by the end of it and my face has broken out in spots, I had a hangover from drink and another one from food.....not good! But yeah, its not…
  • Thanks guys, I already feel better ready your replies! Yeah I think I was beating myself up a lot which doesnt help or change the situation so I will try and eat well the rest of this week and get back to the exercise and then weigh myself at the end of the week to give my body a bit of time to recover and then take it…
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