Arm pit fat :(

I will be the MOH in my best friend's wedding in two weeks and when I picked up my dress last night I couldn't believe how bad my arms look, specifically I have arm pit fat. Does anyone have any advice on how to best tone this area? Are there any exercises that will help tone and shape my arms (even just a bit) in two weeks. I know this might be wishful thinking but I figured it couldn't hurt.


  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    you can't spot reduce fat

    if you are eating at a deficit you also cannot build muscle

    you can tone and workout generally
    and you can lift weights or do resistance/bodyweight exercises

    at a deficit these will help strenthen and tone but not build

    I like tricep dips - personal preference - but don't expect miracles in 2 weeks - it won't happen

  • HeidiAWalk
    I am being bridesmaid in 2 weeks today as well! I dont know if you mean armpit fat or excess skin, I have lost a bit of weight and notice I now have saggy skin in that area which is a bit gross and doesnt look great. I reckon on the day once the fake tan is on, the dress is on, make-up done, hair done, no one will notice and as long as you look and act confident I am sure you will look FAB!

    I have been doing lots of arm and upper body toning excercises and know I cant really do anything about this issue, but if your looking for a quick and efficient arm toning excercise tricep dips are def the way to go, I have great upper arm definition since starting them. Good luck for the wedding and I am sure on the day you will have a ball and forget all about your worries, and I am sure no one else will notice anyway so dont stress too much, its supposed to be a fun day not a stressful one :flowerforyou: !
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You've got two weeks. Unless you have access to a tardis, don't worry about it. Just enjoy the wedding. No one is going to care about the MOH armpit fat levels.
  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    Yeah two weeks is too short a time to really do anything.
  • meowzers007
    meowzers007 Posts: 11 Member
    OMG I have had arm pit fat my entire life! The only time I didn't have it was when I was struggling with an eating disorder about 8 years ago - I weighed 135 at 5'10'' - NOT HEALTHY. I see it slowly going away now that I am doing more muscle toning and clean eating. Otherwise, I'm stuck with it. I used to obsess about it especially when I would wear sleeveless tops like to dance class or yoga but now I don't pay much attention to it. Embrace it! I do notice chest presses, push-ups, anything that targets the upper arms and chest seems to help. It is true that you can't target specific fat, you just have to reduce your overall body fat percentage. I would suggest weights and a healthy diet. Unfortunately there is no overnight fix! Have fun though and do NOT let it take away from you having a good time. I promise no one will even notice :) cheers!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Unfortunately, with just 2 weeks, no. In the longer term, I've had a bit of success with push ups - building up some muscle in that area. My issue is fat and loose skin so the push ups (and other similar strength exercises) did help a bit with that.
  • infinitesum
    It might be a long shot, but I would try going to a higher-end bra store with the dress and see if there is any magic they can work. If not, I would focus on having a fabulous hair day. :smile: