Well Im 18, 5'2". and 180lbs the biggest ive ever been. So Im trying to silpy eat more healthy and try to develope good healthy habits. I want to be a mom one day and I want to be able to actually play with my kids and keep up with them when that time comes. Its just been hard for me to stay on track and put down the pasta.
I am 100% bodyposi, I have worked over the past couple of years and I have finally achieved 100% self love (although somtimes I do have my bad days). Add me as a friend if you like Im always here for talk or support if anyone needs!
Hey! im 18 and am not so much dieting but trying to get healthy, add me if you'd like, Im currently looking for a small support group on here :smooched:
seriously Doctor who is the greatest; I have a tattoo on my fore arm that is a quote from 'the almost People' saying "I am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of far flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams." I am also looking for new friends so feel free to add me :wink:
Just joine (again) and I also have sucha hard time staying on track anyone feel free to add me!