mangojelly Member


  • Monday check-in My weight this morning is 181 lbs. I lost 1 pound this week I completed the mini challenge of 200 squats I exercised 4 times for 60 minutes during the week I tracked my food everyday This is my first challenge so I hope this is how we check in with each other on progress. Thanks:wink:
  • I've got a 100 squats to go. My neighbor brought me some delicious (and large) muffins yesterday and I had 2. I estimated the type of muffins they were on the food finder when tracking my meals but I definitely went over my calories. Discouraging for sure, but this challenge is helping me to get back on track today. :smile:
  • I started exercising regularly (3x a week for 60 min.) about 6 months ago. During that time I have lost almost 20 pounds (go me!) but I haven't been tracking my food consistently and therefore my eating habits have not been the best. I'm ready to change my lifestyle to eating a healthy whole food diet and choosing foods…
  • I like to make a big batch of muesli using unsweeted vanilla almond milk (it's only 40 calories per cup and so creamy and yummy) as the liquid. One of the rectangle boxes of almond milk has 4 cups and the basic recipe is equal parts rolled oats to a liquid (juice, milk, water, etc.) so for mybasic big batch.... 4 cups…
  • Great suggestions. I checked out the Callenetics on YouTtube, old school for sure but I'm going to try it!
  • Glad someone asked what "bump" was! This is my first post and first bump. :happy: