

  • I'm no expert, but what you described might help, doing 2 weeks eating at your maintainence level. I wouldn't take that much time off from exercising though. You may fall out of the habit of working out and it will be harder to start again in 1-2 weeks. Maybe you could take 3 or 4 days off in a row to do a "mental reset"…
  • Who says you only have to make half a cup of mac and cheese? Or only one portion of anything? Make the full thing and freeze it for later. Eat some tomorrow for lunch. Eat it the day after next for dinner.
  • I second what MapleFlavouredMaiden said. Do some research on HIIT cardio and give that a try. Weight lifting should be more of your focus, you will burn fat, build muscle, and start seeing the results you want. is an incredible resource. I just read this article today, very helpful.…
  • One idea is to search for "body weight exercises." These are exercises you can do anywhere, without needing any special equipment. Here's a good starter: The most important thing is to be patient. Don't beat yourself up if you make a mistake. Just keep…
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