Starting a ''METABOLIC RESET''?

Info: 19yr old Female, 182cm (5'11-6ftish) CW: 176 Pounds UGW: 132 Pounds.
Excuse me if write things that may sound silly or uneducated in the world of losing weight, it's really my first time reaching out for help in the Community.
I have been using MFP since January 20th of this year started at 240 Pounds and have since lost 61 Pounds. I done this by eating 1200-1300 calories + exercise calories (Yes I know). I hadn't really researched on this website and always though eating less + moving more was the way to go. Yes It worked well for 4 months but over he last month I have been hovering over the same weight. I admit I have been slightly slack on the dieting + exercising, I would often go over by maybe 50-80 calories some days and my workouts weren't as intense as when I first began.I know a ''Metabolic Reset'' isn't an actual thing like ''Hey press this button & BOOM your metabolism is new again'' I'm just using it as a term.

Over the past few days I have done tones of research on here about eating at Maintenance for 2-4 weeks to alter your metabolism to think it's not in a starving state and that it's fine to let go of the all you can eat buffet of fat on me LOL
Also I'm thinking of giving my body a rest for maybe 1-2 weeks of no workout. I would liek to hear your Experiences with going from such low calories to maitenece? Also I am planning to go back down to a deficit after a few weeks?

I think this may have worked for me-Last year mid-July I had started a Weight loss Journey doing the same thing as I am now, Working out strenuously and eating at a deficit. I stuck at this for about 1-2 Months lost my first 13 pounds but had to stop working out due to breaking my ankle. So I stopped working out and over time my eating habbits went back in the crapper. I was eating takeout frequently all the good but bad stuff for you. As the new year arrived thats when i started my New Weight loss Journey (Current One) and at the begging weighed myself for my starting weight. I was expecting top have gained all if not more of the weight I had lost but I had not in fact I had lost about 2 Pounds. That was great.

So sorry for the long shabang but What I'm trying to say is that maybe that ''Break'' (From breaking my ankle) was a good thing. I know that when I did eat the crappy foods when i was off the diet was probably within my maintenance level-Probably why I didn't;t gain.

Anyway sorry for the book of a story But I wanted to try and get everything down so you can the picture.
Would love your help.

Thank you & God Bless :flowerforyou:


  • ValenciaJudokova
    ValenciaJudokova Posts: 21 Member
    Bump, Anyone lol?
  • ValenciaJudokova
    ValenciaJudokova Posts: 21 Member
    Please, Anyone?
  • I'm no expert, but what you described might help, doing 2 weeks eating at your maintainence level. I wouldn't take that much time off from exercising though. You may fall out of the habit of working out and it will be harder to start again in 1-2 weeks. Maybe you could take 3 or 4 days off in a row to do a "mental reset" and get your head back in the game!

    A few questions so I can help you better:
    How many days a week are you working out currently?
    What do your workouts consist of?
    What's your current percentage of carbs/fats/protein?
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    It probably can't hurt. Why not try it? The worst that can happen is you may not get back on the horse, so just be really vigilant, I guess. You've done so well. If you feel like a break is in order, why not? Practicing maintenance is always good, even if you don't get any 'metabolism reset' benefits. A lot of bright people believe in it, though. Let us know how it works!
  • ldy_78
    ldy_78 Posts: 61
    Not an expert on the topic but you know, once you start to slim down losing weight is a LOT more challenging. The body due to its inherent drive to survive will hold on to calories the more and more you lose. With that said, a lot of people talk about refeeds and their importance to raising leptin levels - especially if you are cutting a lot of calories. A refeed is simply an uptake of carbs and calories, but not fat, over a 12-48 hour period of time. I do them from time to time, and I am not sure if they are of any value in terms of weight loss, but they are great for morale. I would research refeeding and look into for more information on macro ratios and caloric intake. The suggestion is that if weight loss has stalled you may need to reduce your calories more if you haven't met your goal. However since you are eating back your exercise calories, then you might just need to eat back less of them and see if you get the results you want.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Come join us on the Eat More to Weight Less group. There's a lot of great info and support over there!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Come join us on the Eat More to Weight Less group. There's a lot of great info and support over there!

    This. There's lots of info on increasing cals and resets in the group forum.