Jacson53 Member


  • It is inspiring to see people turn around, rise above or overcome life's obstacles. Thanks
  • All my music is as old as me, soooo you likely have never heard it. HaHa A mix of early Allman Brothers, Led Zeppelin, Bob Seger. Recently added some Molly Hatchet, Stevie Ray and ZZ Top for gym activities. The fluctuating tempos give me good intervals during cardio exercises.
  • Agreed. :)
  • http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/gale-gand/chocolate-dipped-frozen-bananas-recipe/index.html There ya go. :)
  • My wife makes a 15-bean soup to which she adds other stuff (rice, corn, tomatoes, peppers, celery and more). I can only have a cup every 2 days, but it sure is good.
  • I am 60 and retired this year also. And developed plantar fasciitis that side-lined my walking routine ( where sciatica, bursitis and arthritis didn't) I joined a gym last month and started on their stationary bikes. Have included/migrated to ellipticals. I can use them without substantial pain. Just an idea. P.s. I was…
  • Agreed. You are losing weight for your own well-being. Keep focused on the Prize.
  • Great job! Remember that you did it. Keep at it.
  • Julie, You are on the right path, IMO. Recognizing the problem exists is Step One. And Step Two is deciding to do something to correct the problem. I can't speak for you, but I find my motivation internally and my inspiration from the world around me ( including other folks ). Hoping you stay motivated and inspired. Well…
  • @LoriVaughan69, Thanks for the inspiration! Your story and all the advice from others has reinforced my need to reevaluate my plans as I approach my WS goal. Thank you all.
  • Yep, like thefeniks said, you have made the decisions. Don't believe the junk science. Be patient, set your major and minor goals and come here for support. :) FYI, I started just walking the neighborhood and light weight training. Most any exercise plan can work as long as you are realistic and patient. Good luck.
  • A pound equates to 2200 calories. So to lose 2 pounds you would have to have a calorie deficit of 4400 calories for the desired period of time. Of course, that is in a perfect world. Still you could use it as a rule of thumb. Also determine your BMR (basal metabolic rate) using any of numerous online calculators. Then you…
  • You are a lot smarter than this old coder. I waited til I was 60 to see the light (and it was getting pretty dim). Diet is the key, as you said. And you started exercise slow... Good. Just build on it at a comfortable pace. Add variations ( light weight training worked well for me). I think the sweating must be…
  • Whining never helps (and sometimes get ya a kick in the ribs), so well done getting started. I wish you all the strength and fortitude to get where you are going. Hint: If you are walking 5 miles every day make sure you get some good shoes. And avoid walking on asphalt roads; they really wear out shoes fast. :/ Nice bike…
  • May be it is time to see a podiatrist. I have a split toenail that, unless bandaged and wrapped, will set off really bad pain across the top of my foot. If shoe laces are too tight across the bridge of the foot pain across the top of the foot. Plantar fasciitis typically translates to heel pain, but it can be felt on the…
  • Maybe try some old-fashioned oatmeal for their complex carbs ( takes 2.5 minutes to make) :wink: Actually, I stopped eating before workout. I throw down a BCAA drink and a couple GTE capsules. Then 30-60 minutes of cardio, 100-odd minutes resistance, 22.5 - 45 minutes on treadmill By the time I get home exhausted that…
  • Remember that your body has to burn those banana calories ( or store them as fat). Anything going in your mouth should be counted. There is no free lunch! :)
  • I do Old-fashioned oatmeal for the complex carbs and fiber. Has been great for my cholesterol numbers. Add unsalted, roasted almonds for fat. Together with a whey protein shake I have re-charged my system after the morning workout. That's just my healthy solution. Betting you might have a different perspective. :)
  • 3 days ago I added a BCAA pre-workout drink to my post-workout whey protein drink. Have noticed an increase to my carbon footprint. Is there a connection? Seems to have an air of probability. So I'd like some diet advice also...
  • That seems to be a good mindset... Keep your eye, mind and appetite on the prize. Good luck to everyone.
  • Wow! 71 pounds already! That's great so far, but keep your eye on the prize. Have you set minor and major goals? Have you cleared your home of junk? Have you started re-training your mind to reach for a carrot to munch instead of potato chip? Have you found a way to keep track of what you eat? Have you thought about a slow…
  • That is the first step... Recognizing that the problem is there and the PROPER solution is to begin to control Calories In. Good luck. :)
  • Thanks, hehe, found it. FYI, dropped another 1.5 today. Just 20 more then the fun really starts.
  • Great work! Doesn't it feel good to make progress? Funny that I fell into a similar diet pattern without knowing there were actual plans for such. We have also banned almost all processed foods from our house. Try this as an exercise in discipline... Once a week I walk through the supermarket bakery to gauge my temptation…
  • What's the Success Board *scurries off to snoop around* LOL