

  • Current : DevOp Contractor is what I enjoy but doesn't pay as much as being an Asset management Contractor Future : Sell my IP and re-invest with the view of being more hands off
  • Seeing postings on MFP about from both men and women made me curious so ended up watching the dvd and I must say it's a damn good workout.... Very tempted myself but January is stronglifts for me. Don't delay start next year if you can ;)
  • I've got a house move coming up if you're interested :bigsmile:
  • Congratulations ! I hit a plateau at 90kgs after going rapidly from 110kgs 3 months ago. Over the last week it has been going my way again, just weighed myself @ 84 kgs :) You look great at 77kgs ... Think I'll be looking at 75-77kgs also once I hit 80.
  • Nice one ! Keep at it. I swear by 30 minutes ..... I've done 20 minutes on lazy days and it's just not enough.
  • Athletes or semi-pros do hence the nature of the question. I'm confident that most of us can hit decent fitness levels but how many of us would push further is the question. To a certain degree you've hit the nail as most of us are more inclined to stop once we've reached appearance goals.
  • Nice.... Just got back myself ... Hit a personal best myself :) Saw 2 people running I felt good for them :)
  • Going for a run @ 2pm Only did the basics this morning.... warmups / pushups
  • Hi, .... as above I'm a Londoner too and we're used to running in the cold. I enjoy it as it cools me down.... you however may have to recondition to the climate Currently there's no ice on the concrete paths but I've got the feeling that will change in January so it would be an idea to run in parks that have natural paths…
  • Thanks for the support.... well tbh think I'm panicking over nothing.... I'll take a towel and remember not to lift my leg up and pee on the apparatus :) Fortunately it's a new gym that's not open until the end of the month so hopefully it'll be a level playing field
  • Thread is scaring the crap out of me..... Anyone suggest a time of the day or night where I'm least likely to bump into one of the 'regulars' ?
  • :) OP and others - Just remember everyone started at level 0 including yourselves. Don't fret be kind to others, show some patience
  • Randy Crawford - Wishing On A Star (Vince Montana Tribute)
  • Congratulations.... stick to what you're doing Take a picture put it on the wall - 0 friends 0 likes Take a picture in a years time when you're a size 8 - 243 friends 3432 likes 2321 friend requests
  • ^ THIS There's a pile of goodies sitting on the worktop in the kitchen. I have a tiny nibble once a day to reward me and to remind me how much damage that lot can do
  • How big are those portion sizes mate ? My breakfast bowl used to be a massive bowl of crunchy nut LOL :) Not liking those eggs + whey, seems like you want to bulk and lose weight at the same time. For myself I went from 110->90 very rapidly but got stuck on 90 for a week or so... this confused me until I realised that I…
  • I'm in the same boat as you..... 30min cardio sessions for the past 3 months and will be having my first weights session on Saturday. Aiming myself for 3 times a week..... Complete noob so I'm reading a lot and will try not to 'copy' what others are doing in the Gym ;)
  • ^ THIS ! Exactly what I was about to write.... I think I'm just about ready for HIIT and that has taken almost 3 months of conditioning, building up stamina even then my first session was today and I must say it was difficult to master and didn't go as planned. Looking at the graph on endomondo I noticed how low my rest…
  • I thought it was 200 :p Hmmmm actually you have a fair point.... I too took the 'unhealthy eating plan' and got seriously worried that I ended up involving a doctor. I was definitely not hitting the nutrients RDA Yeah tbh I think I should not encourage such plans. Sorry
  • I've done 25kg BUT here's the big BUT - it's ******* difficult and requires a lot of will power especially over the first few weeks where you literally have to cut your food intake by up to a third ! OP I strongly suggest you read how many calories are in a glass of juice. I wouldn't touch the stuff with a barge pole until…
  • This is true ... I am also moving away from the threadmill.... The Endomondo app and some dubstep is doing wonders for my outdoor treks. (This week I've done 5 hours of walking 23.17miles of which 3 hours were spent in the lovely cool weather) HOWEVER I would strongly recommend the threadmill from the outset because it'll…
  • Maintaining momentum for an hour on a threadmill is hard work. What made you choose that timeframe ? I've been on the threadmil for coming up to 3 months and I still find it hard (yes I'm 25% faster but still that's not the point). Build endurance slowly because the first few days will be the hardest, even if you're…
  • Welcome.... I know it's very easy to jump in and try the deep end but I strongly suggest the paddling pool first. I started almost 3 months ago and have lost 25kg by diet and 'SLOWLY' building up my cardio. (treadmill + walking) The last few days have been firsts for me with some sprints ! Something I've not done in more…
  • Oh man ... I sympathise with you.... Fortunately my wife's bakery skills have plummeted lately.... At one point she was getting heavily into 'sugar craft' and needless to say I was the guinea pig :o
  • Thanks for this :) That looks like a very nice site. Lots of routines lists for noobs like me. I've done 3 months of cardio and all is going well My Gym membership starts at the end of the month. JeFit looks great :)
  • I totally understand and judging by what others have written here and on other forums ... enjoy yourself For myself I'm keeping it strict, Christmas or not.... Apparently my wife is cooking 6 roast chickens and 2 turkeys for Christmas day - I'm having none of that crap. It's so easy to put on weight .... so difficult to…
  • You see this is where we've all failed in the past. Don't put it off just because of Christmas or the New Year.... Do it now or do it when you're mentally ready. Having a date in mind is not a mental goal it's more of a mental burden. In my case I never maintained a smoke free/weight loss goal from a new year's resolution,…
  • endomondo pro for me. If I had to fault it it would be that it doesn't track food.... It can auto post workout to myfitness pal too (just linked it now)
  • ^ This I used to amateur box when I was younger and skipping was more important than throwing punches
  • ^ THIS ! I've hit a plateau - pity my Gym membership starts at the end of the month :s I've just got to continue what I'm doing and 'not' be tempted to bulk up
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