

  • I've opened my diary! And I have just recently started exercising, I bought a treadmill a week ago today! As for calorie counting, I've been doing that for almost 3 months. I have lost 10 pounds but I've been stuck at 125 for about a month. In regards to tracking the right amount of calories, I'm pretty sure I'm good at…
  • Oh, I haven't been wetting the belt, that might be it and does it have to touch my skin because I've been wearing it over my tanktop?
  • I have a heart rate monitor, but every time I finish a workout it says I've burned 0 calories and I can't figure out why but it's super frustrating and I just stopped using it
  • Correct!
  • But if my bmr is 1477 and I eat that same amount in calories, wouldn't I be maintaining my weight rather than losing? I'm so confused.
  • Alrighty, awesome, thanks guys! Oh, and one last question.. If I never ran on a weekly basis before then started running 4-5 times a week would it take awhile for my body to adjust and lose weight or would the weight fall off quickly?
  • Thanks for the help! It's not so much my weight I'm worried about, I don't mind gaining a little muscle mass, but I just really want to get rid of the extra fat I have on my stomach and thighs. Right now, I'd consider my weekly excersise as sedentary. I walk home from school 4 days a week (30mins, my pedometer says I burn…