Oceanborn2 Member


  • As I said in the OP I won't be able to fill it up with muscle. Unless I get on roids or something. I guess I should've explained a bit further, but I want to get rid of this extra 15lbs is all. The part I'm confused on is about how lifting when in a caloric deficit supposedly burns fat more efficiently. Are there any…
  • it's weird being 170 and still looking a bit chubby. I surely have an extra 10lbs of fat on me that needs to go, so if I could put on 10lbs of muscle (at least) and lose these last 10lbs of fat, I'd definitely be set. I read all kinds of stuff about how it's impossible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, but…
  • I haven't measured it as meticulously as I should have, but from the appearance alone, it's probably no more than a 1% incline by default at the flat position, if that even. I don't have an iphone but everything seems to point to a 6% incline. Maybe I should go in there and measure again just to check.
  • I emailed Weslo and they said it's a 6% incline. Considering that I read someone else calculate their treadmill at 6.7% when the front of theirs moved up by 3 inches, I'm guessing 6% is probably accurate.
  • I'm just curious what this 0.0186266667 m / s thing means.
  • Hey guys, I stumbled upon an article that I want your opinion on, especially acg67. I hope he's still around :smile: http://www.t-nation.com/diet-fat-loss/whats-the-best-diet-for-losing-fat Currently I'm trying to lose some fat and I'm doing a traditional low calorie diet. The weight on the scale hasn't changed very much…
  • Does anyone have any links to studies on this? I've tried IF myself and it worked very well, but what I'm curious about is HOW it worked. I think when it comes down to it, I ended up eating less calories and I probably had a little less water weight on me. That's why I'm curious about seeing some studies. I wonder if it's…
  • Actually, I do find it rather boring doing nothing but squats, benches, presses, rows and so on. I don't think it can hurt to add these.