

  • Song: We Belong Original: Pat Benetar Cover: Lowen & Navarro Deninitive - L&N (They wrote it for her, BTW)
  • Both my wife and I have FT4s, and we would indeed recommend them. - Once I have the chest band on, I tend to forget it, which is good. - The FT4 is coded, which helps with cross-contamination from other people's monitors. We often work out side-by-side with no problems. - The rate seems to be accurate; I've compared it to…
  • What I do is track it throughout the day; when I'm going to be short due to exercise, I add a few little things, like a slice of cheese, a wheat bun to my burger, or a strip of bacon - nothing major, just something little. And not anything totally out of wack or totally bad for me, just the little extra touches. This gets…
  • Thanks! I thought I might be something like that...! :happy:
  • I think I mis-spoke (typed?) a bit. I meant that my maximum heart rate in a particular cardio exercise is now higher than it was - i.e., my max heart rate on the ellipical during a 30 minute workout 2 weeks ago was 142. Today, in the same workout, it was 150. If it helps, I'm getting my heart rate from a Polar FT4. (FYI-…
  • When I run into that problem, I look at the range and either A) take what seems typical, or B) Guess-timate where along the spectrum the food I ate falls and enter that. Sometimes you're not going to be exact - what counts is that you honestly try to enter it. I'm assuming that you looked on the web for their nutritional…