

  • mmmm, that sounds yummy! I'll have to try it, thanks!
  • When I take them out, I put my finger on the contact in my eye, and then I slide it down to the bottom of my eye. It bunches a little and that's where I pinch it out. Easy peasy. :)
  • No, I can explain what BUMP means. Each time a post (or thread) is replied to, it's "bumped up" to the top of the list. Sometimes people will help a question be up front at the top, so people will be sure to see it, by replying with a bump. It's just to bump it up to the top! Otherwise questions can get pushed back pretty…
  • It seems so odd to me that they won't let you practice with actual contacts, and that they want you to practice touching your eye. With contacts, you aren't ever actually touching your eye with your finger. You are touching the contact. The advice about having your finger very dry is great advice. I usually dry my index…
  • Sounds like so much fun!