LeonardoLJR Member


  • the article doesn't sound like it was written by a graduate student. The variables that factor into our digestion and metabolism are already factored into experimental data from results, so I don't see how that isn't accounted for? At some point even the old BMR and RMR equations were derived from experimental data that is…
  • I think you have really good advice so far. Personally, I'd make sure you know how much you want to lose from your diet alone, and that will determine your weight loss that way you can distinguish between your weight loss goals and energy goals separately. It just makes life a lot easier and organized that way. If you…
  • you won't gain weight if you consume extra calories only enough to fuel your workout. Consume extra complex carb. calories no more than 4 hours before your workout. If you expect to burn 700 kcals. for example, 4 kcals to each gram of carb. gives 175 grams of extra carbs. needed. just try working out a few hours after you…
  • Hi Cindy, lunges and squats without weights can help add muscle to your legs and strengthen your core, depending on your current leg strength, core conditioning, and diet. It's also very easy to get your heart rate up doing this type of exercise, so calories melt like butter too. I think the reason why your therapist is…
  • I was going to say, I once had the same problem of losing weight when I didn't want to. It can a while for your body to make adjustments depending on your metabolism, a week or two. I was going to say that yeah, 1700 calories is way too low for you. Doing all that walking you do on a daily basis should cut back more or…
  • Im new to the app. Im using it because i like knowing about my deficiencies in nutrition details. Dont have any friends here yet, but i will genuinly try to help anyone that asks for help or advice. Im 35yrs old., Chemical engineer and always traveling so time is critical. Im preparing to run the ultra beast spartan race…