

  • Thanks, I really want the surgery. I am tired of feeling this way. It's just I have finally committed to the working out regularly and being fairly good with what I eat. I don't want to undo six months of H A R D work! The pounds are not coming off quickly (28 pounds in March), but the inches are...10 inches in my hips…
  • I am having Gallbladder Surgery this week.... I know that I will be down for at least 6-8 weeks for weight resistance training and the eliptical. My doctor advised I can walk outside/treadmill. Has anyone else had this surgery. Any suggestions or advice? Thanks, MoMac
  • Walking is the best overall activity when you are starting out. Biking is non-weight bearing. Leslie Sansone videos are relatively easy (you can increase intensity). She is a good motivator. Good Luck.
  • I love eggs too! If you need to watch your cholesterol, try using egg whites (sold just like egg beaters in a container) with 1-2 regular eggs. I use 1/4 - 1/3 cup with one regular egg. Just try experimenting. I also use egg beaters.