The best appetite suppressant I've been able to find is the mirror. Doesn't always work but it helps tremendously.
I know a few people who have done it and lost tons of weight. One girl 35 lbs and she has kept it off. That being said I hear is very hard to sustain. She lost 25 in 17 days then started week 1 again.
I like the gays.
I hate this show so much. If they really cared for people show them how to eat and excercise properly. Instead they have them ridicolous competitions and have them vote each other off. It's a circus.
I like to drink at parties. So I try to limit it to harder liquor not beers, just limit it.
. This.
Oh and I try to not eat sweets. So recap, earth crab and cut out sweets
I pray to the mighty Earth Crab
starvation mode doesn't exist. Paleo is a waste of time. You can lose weight on jenny Craig.
Depends on whether they agree or disagree with me:)
Fried dough, fried oreos, sweet potato fries, kettle corn, corn dog, ice cream sundae, taco salad, chicken wings and a diet coke
I lost tons of weight in a calorie deficit. I also lost some weight when I increased my calories. So IMO I think you can lose weight either way.
Yes I did. I lost 60 lbs.I wasn't eating clean. As a matter of fact I still ate processed foods. I ate lots of the same foods eiteh rins maller quantaties or substitutions. It can be done and I know tons of people who have done it without clean eating. Excercise , weight lift and be in a calorie deficit. You will do fine.
I have lost 60 lbs . still have a belly. good luck!
BTW I was kidding. As far as some people not wanting to have that muscular look that's fine I get it. I rather have muscles and try to attain that look but that's my personal choice. Health wise having more muscles is beneficial but you can be healthy without them as well. BTW I think Snejana looks amazing as well but…
muscles are gross
Eating the mango will help with apetite
I guess i'm the only one lol.
every day.
Can someone post that picture with that horse? You know the one.
22% currently. When I first started I was above 37% lol. But i'm told I should be between 18-20% . I'm 6 '1
I eat about 1400 and burn abiut 600 a day I dont eat excercise calories back. Been doing it 4 years. I just recently started eating more and doing 5 x 5 stronglift program.
I eat 1400 I don't net 1400 I don't eat excercise calories back.
And here I am trying to get rid of my muffin top.
I lost 58 lbs in a year kept it off for 4 years now. did gain back a bit but due to my busy season at work but I lost it again. I lost it by eating roughly 1400 calories a day give or take and at first I was going to the gym 6 days a week now I got 3-4 on average. Cardio and weightlifting every session. Last week though I…
My girlfriend.
I've read hundreds of posts on this subject and Opus649 you have articulated the best argument against this subject to date.
I have nothing to prove to you or anyone really. Prove starvation mode.
Opus649 i'd kiss you if you weren't a dude.