sounds lush x:smile:
cute !
personally I would say that this is IBS irritable bowel syndrome, but I would get checked out sweet just to be on the safe side, you may find that your lacking in vitamins and nutrients as the foods you are eating are not staying in your system long enough to do any good. Don't be embarrassed honey, we all poo, wee, fart,…
I agree with Ninkyou, We are here to help you as much as we can, but this is something that is bigger than us, you have took the 1st steps to admit you might have a eating disorder, there are many medical persons out there to help you, it doesn't mean you are weak or going mad, it is a medical illness which can be treated,…
:bigsmile: you are fantastic, you have turned your life around, I don't know you , but I'm so proud of you, people that inspire me are just like you, I would say keep up the hard work, but I know you will so I wont.:bigsmile:
I'd try drinking loads of water to flush out your system as well as any bloating and just eat fruits and veggies, avoid salt and refined carbs. All the best, I do hope you get into your dress and don't forget about magic knickers xxxx
33 :) add me if you like x