nicole_j Member


  • How often do you train your legs? You should be training them hard 2-3 times per week. Most men at my gym spend way too much time working on their biceps and chest and not enough time training legs. They look like fools.
  • Increase your protein intake (20-30g per meal) and eat complex carbs before and after your workout. I drink a whey protein shake immediately following my strength training and then a full meal (300-400 cals) within an hour. Don't exercise on an empty stomach and try not to go over 4 hours without eating.
  • Drink lots of water and enjoy your coffee with stevia, a natural sweetener. Stop eating processed food, these actually cause the cravings. Get your carbs from whole foods such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, fruit and veggies. You will actually start to feel much better and will find that when you eat junk you feel like…
  • How much protein are you eating? I would recommend eating 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat each day to start. You should be eating lean protein with every meal. If your belly is your trouble area then your diet is likely to blame. Are you eating processed foods? You only really talk about calories but not all calories…
  • When you eat processed foods that are high in sugar and carbs your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs which in turn causes cravings and hunger. The more junk you eat the more you will crave junk. You should always log your meals, even on cheat days. You would be amazed at the amount of empty calories you are…
  • I follow BioLayne on Youtube. He has some great videos about reverse dieting and is a proven expert. Get your advice from experts and not random people on fitness pal. Laurin Conlin on Youtube has some great videos to. You don't want to add calories too fast or your body will not know what to do with the excess and store…
  • It sounds like you are not actually eating enough and your body is in starvation mode. When you do eat it stores it as fat. Also, are you strength training? You should be spending more time building muscle than doing cardio. Muscle mass will increase your metabolism. Friend request me and I can look at your food diary and…