

  • There nothing wrong with listening to others and changing your plans if you believe the other people are trying to help and encourage you in do things the right way and the healthy way :)
  • Ok i will thank you everyone for your support and helping me succeed with a healthy diet instead of extreme i was only thinking of going it to lose the weight faster but you are all right i should take mh time and do it properly so i don't get ill :)
  • I'm gunna try just dieting and exercising like Sara said just ride it out and up my exercise and hopefully the weight gets moving again i might do two three days a week on fresh vegetable juice tho instead of fasting just have a couple days of less calories and more exercise
  • No this is the first time ive been in here since i joined i actually only joined the sight for advice and other peoples weight loss stories that may help me but being a mum obv takes up all of my time. I do weigh all my food i take 1200 calories daily and i do 60 -90 minutes a day of exercising dependin on how long my son…
  • Ive been stuck at the same weight for roughly two months now mabey three at most
  • Thank you :) i do weigh all my food though i have 1200 calories a day that's it but my weight just wont budge now no matter how much exercise i do so i wanted to try a fast i only set 52 days because that's when im celebrating my birthday it wasn't to be specifically that long that's just the longest i think anyone can go…
  • I'm not against normal dieting and exercise ive lost four stone in the past year with exercise and diet just my weight is stuck now so doing a fast should hopefully kick start the weight loss again that's all
  • Look im sorry i even put up that im on a water fast I'm sorry if i upset anyone this is the diet i have chose and most likely i wont last that long any way im 20 ok i don't need people having a go at me or slagging me off calling me a bad mum or a liar or stupid or whatever else it is your saying i didn't mean to upset…
  • Yes i have consulted my doctor i have weekly appointment to check blood pressure heart rate and everything else in not doing any thing wrong here my husband is here during the day to help with my son ive done everything right consulted my doctor made sure there's someone else here during the day to help.me out i drink…
  • Yes you read it correctly if you don't agree with fasting than just don't comment this page is for people who are curious and might want to give it ago not for people to say its wrong if its so wrong why can doctors recommend the diet to people and monitor people they would tell you not to not help you with the fast j…
  • My best friend is a personal trainer and is joining the marines he said doing a fast is fine i have an 18 month old son and he says its fine as long as i font over do it if anyone wants to try a fast j suggest a juice fast first before doing a water fast so you get an idea of how hard it is every individual has different…
  • I am aiming for 52 days done research and plenty of people have done this long plus i finding fasting pretty easy
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