

  • I have had the same stalling problem. Initial loss was 11 pounds and now it has taken two months of daily workouts and Macros counting to lose anything additional. But what keeps me going is tracking my measurements and losing 8 inches around the mid section, You can track your measurements on MFP! This very loss is the…
  • Here is a recipe I use all the time. 1 scoop protein powder ( I only have pea protein chocolate flavor right now but it does not have a big chocolate taste) 1/2 mashed banana 1 egg 1/4 c blue berries 3-4 T water to thin it out Mix it all up and fry it like you would a pancake. I have tried it with no banana and it is a…
  • 800 calories in COMBINATION with HGH injections is a standard recommendation for morbidly obese people. Good doctors won't put someone on it that has a normal 30 pounds to lose because the risks outweigh the benefits. Not all risks are known yet but one risk is polycystic ovarian cancer. The reason for the low calories is…
  • I agree with spalunker. When you start eating more green vegetables your body won't crave the fast food. Overeating is your body rampaging for nutrients. Also check out Intermittent fasting at , , . It sounds horrible but after the first fast you get accustomed to it and look…
  • Don't go to a party or anniversary dinner on an empty stomach. Fill up on green veggies or celery before you go. The more variety you have in your fridge the better. Have them cooked up and ready to heat.. Jello is basically water so you really aren't adding any nutrients to your diet which your body is craving. You…
  • You could have an allergy. I stay away from whey unless it is whey isolate. I definitely stay away from soy. You can google how harmful soy is. I also have a violent anaphylactic shock reaction from chia seeds. I have no reaction from pea protein and it's thick like a shake. I add raw spinach and a few berries and flax…
  • My legs don't get much exercise swimming but I get a good core and upper body work out and cardio depends on how hard you push yourself. I see a lot of casual (slow) swimmers that are in it more for conditioning than cardio.
  • I am doing induction now. Bacon for breakfast, Chef salad for lunch, meat and veggie for dinner, celery and dip for a snack. Lost 4 pounds in four days and then stalled for 4 days and now down a pound today. Trying different veggies like roasted asparagus, artichokes and it helps keep the variety. Exercising also. My mom…
    in re-induction Comment by lindam4 May 2014