Swimming and weightlifting question



  • lindam4
    lindam4 Posts: 10
    My legs don't get much exercise swimming but I get a good core and upper body work out and cardio depends on how hard you push yourself. I see a lot of casual (slow) swimmers that are in it more for conditioning than cardio.
  • lindam4
    lindam4 Posts: 10
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    The transition from jogging to swimming will be fine for your weightlifting, just make sure your activity intensity doesn't increase too much right off the bat or you'll find that your performance on the weights may temporarily suffer.
    Another question I have is that people have said that if you're swimming you can skip weightlifting all together cause swimming works all the muscles in your body. Is this true or should I still stick to doing both?

    The water provides some resistance and for untrained people will probably improve their strength, but you can't increase the amount of resistance the water gives you over time so it won't be much use once your body adapts to the swimming.
  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    Not true. You can burn more calories swimming than circuit training. Not sure where you got that information but it is inaccurate. While laps can usually not produce a high caloric burn (usually because most people can't maintain speed and endurance for that period of time-60 minutes ) treading can burn up to 700 calories in an hour -the equivalent of a one hour run.
    The biggest problem with water is that it has a tendency to increase your appetite. You have to watch fluid intake and drink lots of water after to combat that.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I've found swimming has really balanced out my figure, developing my back, shoulder and arm muscles and making me look more in proportion. It's also a nice low impact change from land based exercise, a great way to cool down after a cardio session in the gym and a good calorie burner. You're not likely to pick up the injuries you can get from running either from being overweight. The best thing is to do what you WANT TO DO rather than what you feel you SHOULD be doing. That'll be what keeps you at it through to goal and beyond. Have fun!
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Swimming is a fantastic workout although I find swimming laps in a pool fairly boring and get tired of it quickly

    So yes swimming and weightlifting are fine in combination.......................just not at the same time unless the water is very shallow
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    I have bad news for you. I AM a swimmer - have been most of my life. Swimming does NOT help you lose weight. Especially if you are a swimmer. It WILL help tone your body, however. Swimming mostly uses your arms, and arms are not big muscles, so you may tone them, but weight doesn't necessarily come off. Running is what takes weight off. I love swimming, but don't fool yourself, it is not something that will help you lose weight. You might lose a little bit at first, especially if you are not a swimmer, and this is difficult for you, but trust me, in the long run, you will maintain your weight by swimming. You will tone your body by swimming. Weight loss, not so much.

    I am not running and I seem to be losing fine just swimming.

    Losing weight is about calorie deficit. Swimming or jogging are about fitness and health.