justjumpit278 Member


  • This morning when my alarm went off at 5:45 to get to the gym before work, I seriously contemplated going back to sleep for another hour. But I reminded myself that another hour of sleep wasn't going to help me lose weight and I got my butt to the gym! And my jeans I have on today fit a lot looser than they use to!
  • I had TWO today! My belt is now one notch tighter! Wahoo! And a vendor brought donuts into the office today. The BEST donuts. Freshly made, still warm, and my favorite - glazed! I resisted and ate my nonfat greek yogurt instead! They are still sitting at my desk and I haven't touched them!
  • Way to go - you look incredible!
  • Yesterday was one multigrain waffle with 1 tbsp whipped peanut butter, 1 peach and 1/2 cup fresh blueberries. Today was some nonfat honey greek yogurt, 1/4 cup blueberries, 3 strawberries, 1 tbsp pecans and 1 tbsp slivered almonds all mixed up.
  • This morning was 1 1/4 cup of protein Cheerios, 1/2 cup of fresh local blueberries and 1/2 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk. So yummy! I'm so inspired by this thread though, I think I'll change it up tomorrow. :)
  • Feel free to add me! My diary is open and for the most part is fairly healthy! ;)
  • I had enough self control to only have ONE bite of chocolate cake! Its a miracle!
  • For people who tend to binge on the entire bag of Cheetos or the entire box of Oreos - try portioning everything out. It's okay to have a serving size, not the entire bag. When you bring that food home, break out the snack size baggies and put ONE serving of Cheetos in there. When you just need to have those Cheetos, get…
  • I've always been pretty good about using measuring spoons, especially for things like peanut butter that I can very easily eat half the jar and say that was 2 tablespoons, right...? :bigsmile: My family recent got a food scale and I immediately started using it. SO SO SO helpful. For example, I had no idea what 4 oz of…
  • Thank god I'm not the only one who can't get their butt out of bed an extra hour early to work out... I can easily get out of bed on the weekends and be at the gym by 8:30, but there is no way I can wake up at 6 to go for a half hour walk and get back in time to shower and eat breakfast before I leave for work at 7:30. I…
  • My cousin in a BeachBody coach and is currently in Las Vegas doing this workout live with Chalene. So excited for her. She loves it! When she gets back home, she and I are trying it out!
    in Piyo Comment by justjumpit278 June 2014
  • Last night I was having a similar dilemma and I ended up sprinkling seasoning salt on it and it was delicious that way!
  • I've come to realization that all of you eat fancier and prettier food than I do...
  • Nothing super exciting, but I had a teriyaki chicken breast, a cup of whole grain brown rice and some sliced beets. It was yummy though!
  • I glanced through your diary - seeing lots of cake, cookies, ice cream, candy... That may very well be your culprit. It looks like you have a good breakfast and lunch then fall at the end of the day. Just because that piece of cake or those cookies fit in your calories for the day, doesn't necessarily mean you should eat…
  • Good rule of thumb!
  • Just the other weekend I made skinny chocolate chip cheesecake bars! Very yummy and a little kick of protein from the greek yogurt. http://sallysbakingaddiction.com/2014/01/05/skinny-chocolate-chip-cheesecake-bars/#more-23863
  • Thanks for all your input guys - I really appreciate it! Another question... where is your "go to" place to buy it? Walmart, GNC, online, etc? I would think that a place like GNC would be more expensive than Walmart, but perhaps I'm wrong?
  • These are things I try to always keep on hand and restock as needed. Lots of fruit and veggies! Grapes Apples Oranges Some kind of berry - usually strawberries Baby carrots Salad greens, usually spring mix, baby spinach or dark leafy romaine Yams Then possibly watermelon, pineapple, or a grapefruit or two Mini cheddar…
  • 2 oz of deli turkey wrapped in ultra thin swiss cheese slices 6 cracked black pepper Triscuits topped with 90 calories worth of reduced fat cheddar cheese I tried to eat the apple I brought, but I bit into it and it was mushy inside. :( Finished it off with one piece of mint filled dark chocolate. I LOVE those Triscuits.…
  • An extra tip - I always add a little baking soda to my water, about a teaspoon or so. The shells always peel easily this way!
  • I love to read. My favorite author of all time is Janet Evanovich despite the fact that she practically ruined reading for me. I can't get into a book by any other author because it isn't nearly as good. I enjoy baking and one of my dreams is to own a bakery some day. One day I would love to move further south and live in…
  • I rarely drink anything but water. In fact, when I actually do, its odd to be drinking something with flavor. I have one of those tumbler cup things that holds exactly three cups of water. I fill it before I leave for work at 7:30 and usually finish it a little before 12pm and refill it then. I'll finish that one before I…
  • The only person I tip (except for a waiter/waitress) is my hairdresser. I usually give her a 5-10 dollar tip and my regular haircut is $27. But I know my hairdresser pretty well personally and she's just fabulous!
  • I love to eat english muffins with a fried egg (no butter or oil in the pan though, I use non stick) and 2-3 slices of deli ham. It's a quick, protein-filled breakfast that keeps me full most of the morning. Or I also like to mix a drizzle of honey in with my peanut butter and spread it on. They are also good with cream…
  • You had the same starting weight as me and my goal is 135-140. Very motivational! :)
  • I don't know if this is correct or not, but I just go by when I'm hungry. If my stomachs growling, I feed it. If I'm not hungry but burned 300 calories during the day, I don't make myself eat those 300 calories. But then again, I'm not the most scientific when it comes to this whole weight loss thing. I just listen to my…