

  • I just hit 100% a couple of weeks ago. I've been seriously dedicated to getting stronger for the past 6 months.
  • 95 pounds today, hoping to go over 100 next week.
  • Echoing what others have said, the number on the scale is arbitrary. You want to fit into a particular pair of pants. The 3 pounds isn't likely to make a huge difference in the way your pants fit. Resistance training will reshape your body. You will look smaller at a heavier weight with more muscle.
  • I have roller derby and running on the days I don't do CF.
  • Coffee?
  • I think I may have finally mastered full on chest to ground push ups! I did 100 on Sunday (not unbroken, but still 100).
  • What you see in the mirror likely isn't an accurate reflection of what you really look like to everyone else. Honestly when I look in the mirror what I see isn't the same thing as what I see when I see photographs of myself. It's weird how our minds will play tricks on us and focus on "flaws" that really aren't apparent in…
  • This year I'm going to become a kick *kitten* jammer.
  • Hi I'm Maux Faux. I play with the eves of destruction in Victoria BC Canada. I've been playing for 6 years. Currently working on becoming a jammer. I've been mostly playing pivot for the past 3 years. Time for a new challenge!
  • I'm a fairly clean eater. Very little dairy, soy and grains (quinoa and rice) no wheat, corn or refined sugars (they don't agree with me). Lots of fresh produce and lean meats. My food diary here is just being used as a rough estimation of what I eat since I'm not actually tracking amounts of food consumed. I just wanted…
  • I did join WW over 10 years ago and never regained all the weight (other than with my 2 pregnancies). It did teach me some good things about food choices and thinking about things before I ate them. Unfortunately I also developed an unhealthy relationship with restricting my calorie intake as much as possible while…
  • Find what you enjoy doing. If you hate the workouts you're doing you're not going to stick with them. Find something you enjoy first and get in the habit of regular exercise. You can always add in the stuff you hate but is good for you later on. Knowing you can like exercise is the first step to sticking with the stuff you…
  • I'm 5'4" and 130 pounds. I wear a size 2 or 4 or 25/26 and a small shirt. It's kind of crazy how much variation there is in size for women of the same weight.
  • Hourglass. I don't do exercise according to my shape, I play roller derby, I do crossfit and I run. i exercise to reach goals not to obtain a certain shape. I kind of think I'm pretty awesome shaped though.
  • I don't know how good of a story mine is since I didn't start this journey with weight loss as a goal. I'm 5'5" and started off the year at 156 pounds. I had decided for the coming year I was going to try new things. So I started crossfit. I dropped about 15 pounds or so and then started to focus on nutrition and how to…
  • In a year I have been able to: Double or triple the amount of weight I can lift (depending on the lift) I have started to be a jammer for my roller derby team and I'm actually pretty good at it. I have gone from a size 10 to a size 2/4. I have muscle definition. I feel healthier and happier and I have more energy.
  • I have Diastasis recti and had no idea until I noticed a dent in abs. My kids are 7 and 9, the dent has been there for a while, all covered in padding.
  • Is there any way you could go for a run outside on your lunch hour a couple of times a week instead of hitting the gym every morning? It might help with the burnout to have a couple of days a week where you don't have to leave the house quite so early.
  • I'm 5'4" and weigh 130, I'm happy with that. Although measurements matter more to me than weight. I've been at the same weight before but have never been as toned and muscular before.
  • I drank the koolaid too...crossfit 3 times a week as well as various other activities. Love it!
  • I've been eating this way since September and was unaware of calories until the last couple of weeks. I know I'm eating according to hunger cues because for 2 and a half months I just ate when I was hungry and stopped when I was full without over thinking it. So until I started logging things in I wasn't concerned at all.