

  • Happy Sunday evening, everyone! Hope everyone had a good weekend - I, for one, am not ready to be back to work tomorrow, but at least there is a holiday on Thursday and so it'll be a short-ish week. How did everyone do in the challenge this week? I lost 2.6 lbs, but I feel like I lost more than that and am hoping some of…
  • Alright, ladies. I need someone to kick my butt into gear. It is only 18 weeks until my wedding and my dress is TIGHT. Well, just the bodice, but still. I gotta lose some weight, and I would love to firm up my arms a little bit before the big (strapless) day! My problem is that I just can't seem to make myself exercise. I…
  • Hi ladies!! Is anyone else going crazy with wedding planning?!? As a result, I have been stuck at around 20 lbs list since the end of the first challenge. I am so glad to be back with my mfp brides to try and lose more before the wedding. So my goal for this 12 weeks is to lose 15 lbs. That would put me a little over 35…
  • Hi ladies! Sorry to have been MIA for the past two weeks. I had that dental surgery and life just went a little haywire. Of course, in the next three weeks we are moving, and getting our engagement pics done, so I don't know that it will be any better. BUT, I am back on the wagon as of today and journaling and hopefully…
  • Good morning ladies! Dental surgery went well but I am stuck eating jello, mashed potatoes, and frozen yogurt for the 48 hours. Hope everyone else has a bang up weekend!
  • Hi ladies! So, I totally bailed out on you guys last week, and I am SO sorry! Wed night I took my fiance out for dinner to celebrate his new job, and I ate horribly. Intended to get back on the wagon on Thursday but had a minor accident at work and it left me in a splint on my arm and with a messed up elbow and knee. So…
  • Beth - thanks for the offer. I have meals planned out already for the week but may take you up on some advice next week. Thanks! -colleen
  • I feel like I've misplaced my motivation! I only lost 1 lb last week, which is a loss, but still . . . with only eating 1200 calories/day and working out three times a week for at least 30 mins, scientifically speaking I should have lost at least 2 - more like 2.5! I'm just going to assume it's my body correcting for the 5…
  • I lost almost five pounds this week but struggled emotionally. Today, however I got a boost of energy and excitement - I said yes to the dress!!!!!! I ordered it a size smaller than the sample because the salesperson said I was gonna need it. So now it's serious - the dress has been ordered and it HAS TO FIT. lets have a…
  • Not gonna lie - been a rough few days. Feel like the stress of a new job, a big move, planning a wedding, and trying to watch food and exercise ( and getting up at five every morning!) has jut caused a breakdown. But I stayed in calorie range even if I did slip out on exercise today. Felt better but really need to take…
  • Yah for Iris! We fall/early winter brides are on it! I have to admit, I was a little disappointed in my 2.2 lb weight loss last week. I know that 2 lbs is healthy and a stable way to lose . . . and I'm happy that I lost anything! But I stayed at 1200 calories each day and worked out too . . . just thought for my first real…
  • Good morning ladies! I had a really rough weekend. Mostly due to the impending monthly visitor that always seems to be proceeded by an influx of hormones that makes me want to alternately strangle my fiance and cuddle on his shoulder while I sob crying. Combine that with the fact that we were visiting the future in-laws…
  • @thefitcompany - sorry you had a bad night(?). But it happens to all of us. Pick yourself back up and enjoy that banana!
  • Great job Denise! You should be so proud!!!
  • Jill - I was actually going to ask if anyone had that workout. For the next few weeks I have access to a class at my local gym, but we are moving at the beginning of March and my gym will be changing - and they don't have any early morning classes that I will be able to attend. Since we'll have a bigger place, I was…
  • Thanks for checking on me! I actually just ate a mini Kit Kat Bar (after searching and finding out they were only 42 calories) and I feel a ton better. I definitely need to remember that sometimes it's okay to eat something that isn't necessarily "healthy" and I don't have to beat myself up over it. As long as I don't eat…
  • Do you ever finish a meal and think "well, that wasn't even like eating". I just had my 270 calories Smart Ones Ravioli for lunch at work . . . and I seriously can't believe that that small amount of food takes me 30 minutes at the gym to get rid of. That's ridiculous. It also probably doesn't help that I'm completely…
  • Good morning everyone! Hope everyone is doing well this morning and feeling energized for a new week. I tried out a new machine this morning at the gym - the arm bicycle, I guess it's called. That thing burned way more calories than I gave it credit for! I'm just hoping my arms don't fall off tomorrow . . . Good luck to…
  • I agree! But the important thing for me is to track no matter how I eat so that I am holding myself accountable. I am worried as my knee has been bothering me all weekend and I am hoping it doesn't keep me from working out this week. As of today it's 299 days to the wedding and only about two months to dress shopping. I…
  • Hello to everyone and congratulations! My fiance and I met on eHarmony back in May of last year and he proposed to me in the middle of November. We certainly did move quick (only about 6.5 months!) but from the very beginning we just knew it was right. We're getting married November 2, 2013 and planning on starting a…
  • 1. Colleen 2. November 2, 2013 3. South Carolina 4. 262 5. 245 6. 180 (but not by wedding, just in general)