Team Iris (SeptOctNovDec 2013 Brides! :)



  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    Hello Irises!

    I think I might be the only one of us who had never watched The Biggest Loser on television before... at least until last night!!!! I only caught the weigh-in portion at the end, but wow! It was so much fun to see them in person doing what we are doing online :)

    One thing I thought was interesting was the friendly competition between teammates and the mutual encouragement based on the previous week's results. It got me thinking that you all might feel more like a team if you are more cohesive in our support of one another and, perhaps, by challenging one another to see which of you can be the top loss on your team.

    With that in mind, I'm posting your internal team rankings. I will be providing the same sort of info to the other teams as well. I hope you will work together to encourage one another. Also, if no one on your team is experienced in diet/nutritional planning, I'm willing to help out with that. Good luck, ladies!

  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I have not watched "The Biggest Loser" tv show. Have no plans to.

    Reality tv shows do not interest me.

    Sure, IF I was in an enviroment where individuals told me what exercises to do - how many exercises to do and watched my food - yeah I would lose weight. Sure, take me away from my life responsibilities and allow me to focus on me -- yeah, I would lose weight.

    Kudos for those who are on the show. I applaud their efforts.

    I am not one to say "Oooh, gotta record or get home to watch __________ (insert name of show)." I'm just not a tv person.

    At times I laugh because I hear others get angry because their favorite got kicked off one of their shows (let's just say American Idol). Or stated seeing (insert name of person) leave the show (let's just say The Bachelor) made me cry. Kinda funny to hear others feel such emotions over a tv show.

    Biting my tongue is best or I'll shout out "Get a life - it's a tv show -- of course they have to add drama for the ratings."

    Sorry, tv and sports are just pet peeves of mine. Let's just say in first marriage I had to prepare meals around tv shows (his favorite shows). Thanksgiving dinner had to during football halftime. (And I don't like sports!)

    New hubby to be -- he's like me -- rather read a book than watch tv or follow a sports team.
    And we like the library!
  • I feel like I've misplaced my motivation! I only lost 1 lb last week, which is a loss, but still . . . with only eating 1200 calories/day and working out three times a week for at least 30 mins, scientifically speaking I should have lost at least 2 - more like 2.5! I'm just going to assume it's my body correcting for the 5 lbs I lost the week before. But I will admit I did kind of binge eat a little on Sunday - got a chicken toaster from Sonic with some tator tots and ate ALL OF IT. First fast food I've had in . . . well, I don't know how long.

    I think I need to change up some of my routine maybe. Instead of going to the gym tonight, I am going to try to do my new Zumba for the Wii and see how that works. Add that to some strength exercises on the Wii Fit and I think I'm set. Or at least that's my plan!

    How is everyone else doing out there this Tuesday?
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member

    You aren't eating enough, lady. You need to be up around 1400 (of the RIGHT foods) and I promise you'll drop 2-3lbs a week. Let me know if you want help with your meal planning. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but I PROMISE you results.

    Good luck and happy Tuesday!

  • Beth - thanks for the offer. I have meals planned out already for the week but may take you up on some advice next week. Thanks! -colleen
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Sorry ladies, I experienced a minor setback. Last night the weather would have been fine for an outdoor walk. After dinner (chicken salad) I laid down on the couch around 7pm & quickly fell asleep.

    I'll be able to walk 2 miles at the gym today.

    My day is starting out very hungry -- craving for foods I normally do not purchase from our building's cafe -- eggs, bacon and tator tots. So what I packed for breakfast (yogurt & cereal) will be lunch. Dinner is early tonight -- it's a final class date and the instructor is bringing in food. What she's bringing in is unknown.

    Wishing all a good day.
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    I have not watched "The Biggest Loser" tv show. Have no plans to.

    Reality tv shows do not interest me.

    Sure, IF I was in an enviroment where individuals told me what exercises to do - how many exercises to do and watched my food - yeah I would lose weight. Sure, take me away from my life responsibilities and allow me to focus on me -- yeah, I would lose weight.

    Kudos for those who are on the show. I applaud their efforts.

    I am not one to say "Oooh, gotta record or get home to watch __________ (insert name of show)." I'm just not a tv person.

    At times I laugh because I hear others get angry because their favorite got kicked off one of their shows (let's just say American Idol). Or stated seeing (insert name of person) leave the show (let's just say The Bachelor) made me cry. Kinda funny to hear others feel such emotions over a tv show.

    Biting my tongue is best or I'll shout out "Get a life - it's a tv show -- of course they have to add drama for the ratings."

    Sorry, tv and sports are just pet peeves of mine. Let's just say in first marriage I had to prepare meals around tv shows (his favorite shows). Thanksgiving dinner had to during football halftime. (And I don't like sports!)

    New hubby to be -- he's like me -- rather read a book than watch tv or follow a sports team.
    And we like the library!

    That's understandable I think i'd hate TV too if I was with someone who was that obsessed with it!
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Hi all,
    Just wanted to pop by and see how everyone is doing ... this week has been kind of a wash for me been busy, busy busy... let see had to give a presentation on Monday .. Tuesday I found out last minute that I had to give another presentation on Thursday.. Wednesday I had a midterm in neurodevelopment, and now today - Thursday I had to give that presentation this morning, then head to another meeting, then to the lab .. where I have been since working out an experiment - hopefully my new flow panel will be wonderful with no issues!!! Fingers crossed. Since its 11 pm I missed the gym tonight so I will try for a morning run tomorrow. Hope everyone else's week is a little less hectic!

    Great job to all our brides this week
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    One of my facebook friends sent me a "FAB AB FEBRUARY" workout.
    For 6 days a week, you do sit-ups, push-ups and plank. Each day the number you do increases.

    The month starts with 10 sit-ups, 4 push-ups and 10 seconds of plank.
    The month ends with 100 sit-ups, 25 push-ups and 2 minutes of plank.

    Anyone interested in doing this with me? If so, message me ....

    Wedding wise -- had an appointment w/the florist and gave deposit.
    Was given prices for every floral arrangement I was interested -- knowing that I may not want or need it all.
    For example, no need to order my Godmother's flowers if she's not able to make it.
  • michiganmanda
    michiganmanda Posts: 43 Member
    I'm having a very rough week. I have been under my calorie goal every day and have been exercising but for some reason I have actually gained 2 pounds! The only positive is that I have a body comp scale and my % fat has not gone up at all. I'm hoping I at least gained some muscle weight (but 2 pounds in one week is a stretch I know....) I basically started with no muscle. 2 years ago I weighed 230 (192 now) and basically did not exercise at all. I was working at a job with great pay and benefits, but hours of 5:30pm to 2:30 AM so I had no friends available to do things when I was free and could sleep in as much as I wanted.

    Thankfully last August I got promoted to a day job within the same company and have been able to be more active. I had this weird mind set that I wasn't aerobically fit because of the weight, but now that I'm 2/3ds the way to my goal (doc says I'm supposed to be 170 for my height) I didn't suddenly become strong or good at running...

    I'm hoping to do the Fab Ab February with PlumCrazyGirl (I messaged you) so that should help!

    Also I have been eating most of my fitness calories. Do you think I should stop at the 1650/day I start with? Thanks for the support!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Will admit... my Friday and Saturday was abs -- no cardio.
  • michiganmanda
    michiganmanda Posts: 43 Member
    I did my Fab Abs today, I just skipped day 2 (had day 1 from your earlier post). Thanks for sharing with me! I didn't have much intended cardio today but we went to Costco to stock up on some staples and I had to carry a ton of heavy stuff up to our 2nd floor kitchen. Hopefully that counts for something!
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Week 5 -
    What should we do for our team challenge? I was thinking maybe we could give points for calories burned... that way everyone can pick their own specific exercise - maybe something like 5 pts for every 50 calories burned? any other thoughts?
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Team challenge -- calories burned is a good iddea.

    Tonight, me and Mike have our dance class. It's a class we discussed taking before we got engaged.
    Even though our wedding is dinner only -- we wanted to learn how to waltz (and stuff) so we look like we know what we're doing at other functions.

    Was off from work - Friday Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately, didn't do any cardio. Did do ab work only.

    Did get the wedding flowers ordered; did book my wedding day hair appointment; did make reception favors; did decorate the bubble bottles (bubbles - no rice or birdseed). Yes, the wedding is many months away; however, I may need to move prior to wedding so the mindset is do as much as possible now for the wedding.

    And to my surprise, the church pastor pointed me out during his sermon on Sunday. Why, the Bible scripture he was using for Sunday's message is the same scripture he uses at wedding. So he says "Barbara, you'll hear this again at your wedding in September." Many heads turned in my direction after that.....

    Wishing all a good week.
  • Jill4165
    Jill4165 Posts: 50 Member
    I like the calories burned idea. I think that would work well for everyone. So 5 points per 50 calories burned each day. We have lost a couple of members but we are still going strong team Iris! Lets make week 5 one of our best weeks yet. I am going to work on getting my work outs in this week and really tracking and weighing everything I eat :)
  • Hi ladies!

    So, I totally bailed out on you guys last week, and I am SO sorry! Wed night I took my fiance out for dinner to celebrate his new job, and I ate horribly. Intended to get back on the wagon on Thursday but had a minor accident at work and it left me in a splint on my arm and with a messed up elbow and knee. So all weekend I pretty much ate like crap and exercised not a bit. That showed in my 2.8 lb gained last week! So, just wanted to let you guys know that I am back on the wagon and tracking everything as of today. I am going to the gym tonight to do some cardio and hopefully my wrist will be well enough to do some strength training by tomorrow.

    So here's to a new week and rededicating! My goal is to lose all the week I gained last week . . . so let's get started!

  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey Colleen -- accident at work... did you file a workers compensation claim?
    Processing work related injury claims is my job.
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Hey ladies! proud of you all! hope your February has started well :smile: My end of January/ beginning of Feb. has kicked off with a bit of wedding drama :cry: There was a lot of confusion and issues started arising about our venue .. aka the in laws ... they offered for us to use their yard for our wedding back in November and since then I stopped searching for other venues. Recently ther has been a lot of issues arising .. such as them changing their minds about the date of the wedding, restrictions on guest numbers (they want 30 less than I do) and what really pushed me over is they didn't want any children. We ended up deciding it would be best to find somewhere else to get married .. problem is the wedding is supposed to be 6-7 months away and now I have no venue and now no set date ... I'm so frustrated and am so swapped in other areas of my life I don't really have time to spend visiting and searching out venues :frown: I am still going to aim for an early September wedding I just hope we can find somewhere now! anyone else having wedding drama??
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    So sorry to hear of your wedding drama.
    I had read an article about people who want to "help" for your wedding (like do the video, cake, etc).

    The advice was -- Don't let your friends -- Hire a professional.
    Think about this -- hiring someone gives you a avenue to complain to Better Business Bureau or withhold payment if the professional doesn't met expectations. That option isn't available with friends and family. Plus, there's the risk of ruining the relationship w/that friend or family member because they did not fulfill their promise to you.

    I wish you success in finding a location. Do you need a ceremony and reception location now?
  • Jill4165
    Jill4165 Posts: 50 Member
    That is really frustrating about your in laws Destaine. Hopefully you can get something worked out for the venue. I would think they would be a bit more flexible with you. I have in law issues with my fiances mother. I think she keeps hoping that we really wont get married. She has not even acknowledged that we are getting married, just really weird situation. It will guarantee that things will be awkward with her at our wedding, but I am trying not to let it bother me. I have a few family members doing things for my wedding. So far it has worked out okay.
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Its nice to know I'm not alone with wedding issues! But I am also sorry to hear that about your in laws Jill. I think you are right, Barb, about the hiring friends and family - my grandma and mom have really stepped up and started making calls for me we are now looking for ceremony and reception venues in a new town (were I live now, my in laws live in another town) hopefully this weekend we will be able to put a deposit down somewhere ... we now have three places in mind :smile: hopefully it will all work out
  • Destanie, I'm sorry that you are having issues! I'm glad your mom and grandma are helping. My mom has been a huge help and it's great because I'm so busy. I'm sure you'll find a beautiful venue for your wedding. I wouldn't worry!
    And Jill, I am having similar problems with my future mother in law. I hope things smooth out for you!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Perhaps that's the underlying reasons our future mother in laws are challenges -- they are afraid of what changes will occur in their life because their son got married.

    Reviewing the situation with my future mother in law and how she lives her life .... yes, I was hurt at some of the comments she told her son about getting married. The one that hurt me the most was when she told him he was married before and I was married before. It didn't work out so why are we getting married again. And he has until July to change his mind. (The wedding is September 14).

    Because she complains about everything, we do expect to hear something about the wedding/reception.
    I've already heard not to sit her at the same table as one of my relatives... why, one of my relatives talks a lot.

    Bottom line ladies -- somehow we need to accept the Groom's mother will be a part of our lives. Like it or not.
    Perhaps our future husbands need to step up and politely say "stop, Mom."
  • Jill4165
    Jill4165 Posts: 50 Member
    I agree, like my grandma always said "When you marry someone you marry their whole family." Like it or not they will be a part of our lives. I guess my problem is I just ignore the issues with her hoping they will go away instead of addressing them with her. I really need to figure all that out at some point.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Yup, it's a tough one -- figure out how to deal with his Mom.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hello Ladies.... how is everyone?
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I didn't see this until today, Friday 9/8..... Here's the weeks 5 & 6 challenges -- from that post -- (I did some minor editing - for full unedited version - see original post)

    For our team -- what was the official decision on the team challenge? Thanks -- Barb

    Thanks for all of your posts and messages about the challenges. A few changes this week. I am splitting the Challenge into 2 parts. Part one is a Group Challenge that should look familiar. Part two is a Team Challenge that you will design (or your captain can give you, depending on whether you all decide by tomorrow).

    Part 1. The Group Challenge will be ST*R through end of Week 6. To set a habit, you need to consistently do something for 40 days. With that in mind, we will be focusing on hydration, tracking, and sleeping enough through Week 6. It is my hope that the wonderful improvements we are all seeing by drinking enough water, keeping an eye on what we are eating, and getting enough sleep, will become a part of our lives – long after our wedding day!

    As usual, points are earned as follows:

    S (stay hydrated) – 1 pt per glass of water up to 10 per day (70 max/week)
    T (tracking) – 10 points for logging in each day, 10 points for staying under for getting enough protein (ok to go over) (140 max/week)
    R (rest) – 10 points per day if you get 7+ hours sleep (70 max/week)

    A is for activity. That’s where your TEAM challenge will come in.

    Part 2. Team Challenge = the “A” in star ☺ That’s right. Teams, you will be deciding what level/kind of “activity” you all want to do for Week 5 and Week 6. Is it a mileage challenge? A circuit? A montage of leg exercises? Whatever you all want to do, you decide and you do it. Challenge each other to keep up with the exercise that is so critical to fitness and weight loss. Maximum points for this section are 70 for the week. You divide them out how you like.

    Let me know if you have any questions ☺
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    I didn't see this until today, Friday 9/8..... Here's the weeks 5 & 6 challenges -- from that post -- (I did some minor editing - for full unedited version - see original post)

    For our team -- what was the official decision on the team challenge? Thanks -- Barb

    Thanks for all of your posts and messages about the challenges. A few changes this week. I am splitting the Challenge into 2 parts. Part one is a Group Challenge that should look familiar. Part two is a Team Challenge that you will design (or your captain can give you, depending on whether you all decide by tomorrow).

    Part 1. The Group Challenge will be ST*R through end of Week 6. To set a habit, you need to consistently do something for 40 days. With that in mind, we will be focusing on hydration, tracking, and sleeping enough through Week 6. It is my hope that the wonderful improvements we are all seeing by drinking enough water, keeping an eye on what we are eating, and getting enough sleep, will become a part of our lives – long after our wedding day!

    As usual, points are earned as follows:

    S (stay hydrated) – 1 pt per glass of water up to 10 per day (70 max/week)
    T (tracking) – 10 points for logging in each day, 10 points for staying under for getting enough protein (ok to go over) (140 max/week)
    R (rest) – 10 points per day if you get 7+ hours sleep (70 max/week)

    A is for activity. That’s where your TEAM challenge will come in.

    Part 2. Team Challenge = the “A” in star ☺ That’s right. Teams, you will be deciding what level/kind of “activity” you all want to do for Week 5 and Week 6. Is it a mileage challenge? A circuit? A montage of leg exercises? Whatever you all want to do, you decide and you do it. Challenge each other to keep up with the exercise that is so critical to fitness and weight loss. Maximum points for this section are 70 for the week. You divide them out how you like.

    Let me know if you have any questions ☺

    I think we all settled on 5 pts for every 50 calories burned in exercise (up to the max 70pts allowed)
  • Good morning ladies! Dental surgery went well but I am stuck eating jello, mashed potatoes, and frozen yogurt for the 48 hours. Hope everyone else has a bang up weekend!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Good morning ladies! Dental surgery went well but I am stuck eating jello, mashed potatoes, and frozen yogurt for the 48 hours. Hope everyone else has a bang up weekend!
    May your recovery be quick. Dental work -- it's the worst (at least for me!)

    I'll tally up my team challenge points.

    Happy weekend all