

  • I used marathonrookie.com last year for my 1st marathon. Am using it again right now for a marathon that I am running in May. Best of luck to you, and enjoy that feeling when you cross the finish line!!! :happy:
  • You are put under for the procedure. The only pain I really had was heavy cramping the next day or so. I was back to work in two days. Totall worth it.
  • Hmm...where to start on this one. I was diagnosed with PCOS about 12 years ago. It took seeing several doctors for them to figure out the answer. They first ones all kept telling me I just needed to stop eating junk, stop eating junk. My weight was escalating. I was on the pill (um I think lo-ovral at the time) and that…
  • Got up early and got 30 mins of aerobic step in before my son got up. :)
  • I've been doing the Tae-Bo Insane Abs workout. It's 65 minutes long, with half the workouts standing and half on the floor. Check it out!! :)
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