

  • MEDITERANEAN QUICHE (Serves 4) 318 calories per portion This is a quick quiche using store cupboard ingrediants found in most supermarkets, and is cooked at 200C for 30 mins. 1 small savoury ready cooked pastry case 7" or 8" dia. 1 tablespoon of tomato puree. 1 chopped spring onion 1 oz of low fat grated cheddar 2 beaten…
  • Since joining a weekly nutrician class I've become a supermarket trolley snooper! You can tell a great deal about a person by the contents of their shopping trolley and it makes the time in the queue pass faster. Recent observations have shown a porky family whose trolley was overflowing with white bread, sweets, cakes,…
  • Well done. Keep up the good work!! I've only lost 4 lbs in 4 weeks. I do 45mins at the gym 5 days a week and line dancing of 45 mins once a week. i also do a lot of gagrdening and of course I'm spring cleaning at the moment too. However I've lost 2" from my bust, 3" from my waist and 3" off my hips so I see that as good…
    in down pounds Comment by zerafa March 2011
  • And here's another version for the marinade. Zest and juice of a lime 1 inch of fresh ginger grated 1 crushed clove of garlic (optional) Corriander or parsley chopped.
  • Try having more protein, lean meat, fish, low fat cheese etc This will also give you more energy.
  • Your body is drained of nutrients and water overnight so you should have a light breakfast before going to the gym. Try a low fat yoghurt with a tablespoon of meusli and half a banana. Also drink as soon as you wake up, before you go to the gym and during your exercise. If you get dehydrated your body will start to retain…
  • Slit the loin lengthways and open up like a book but not cutting right through. Beat it with a steak mallet or rolling pin to flatten. Mix some stuffing and add things like nuts/dried apricots and roll up fixing with cocktail sticks if you have them. Roast at 190c for 1 hour. Any stuffing will do such as cooked mushrooms…
  • If you can't get to a gym try this. Hold a large can of food in your right hand above your head, bend your elbow so that the hand is behind your right shoulder. Repeat as many times as you can then change to the left hand and repeat. Excellent for batwings!
  • Place frozen fruit into processor with natural yoghurt, honey and mint leaves. When blended together it makes instant icecream for a quick and healthy dessert.
  • Hi, I'm new on here but may be able to help with recipes. If you want to pep up your salad: Take a small jamjar and half fill it with equal quantities of concentrated orange and olive oil. Replace the lid and give the jar a good shake and place in the fridge which will help to thicken the dressing a little. Use just one or…