

  • I'd get the 20 for now and then at christmas try and get a polar. I LOVE my polar. I think you'd prob get close with the chest strap. at least you'dd have something better than other people's calculations which I have found to be wrong.
  • I'm not sure if this is supposed to be where we post to start out the challenge. I don't even know exactly how to track these posts. I'm new to this stuff. anyhow my goals are in my "signature" and my NSV is to fit into my polka dot dress and my striped skirt by the time this challenge is over!
  • I'm in see ya'll every monday! I hope I can remember since I have really bad memory lol...but logging in everyday should be great!
  • I've never done the program thru Jillian Michaels but I've been doing Chalean Extreme which is also a program that uses lots of weight training. I also do cardio 2X a wk thur the video's and then do another day of running on my own. Using weights and toning your muscles really helps to take off pounds. Just stick with it…
  • Ellensays hang in there girl! I'm pretty new here too (week+half) and I really enjoy this program. My advice is to just find some friends (me! and others) because the peer support really helps even when I don't know people at all. It is hard to loose weight (been working on it for a year and a half plus some) and it is…