

  • If you aren't used to exercise and you want to do it daily I have found starting for 5mins a day then going up from there helps. The most important thing is changing your mindset. If you think you can't do something, Im sorry, you will not. However, you are here and trying to get motivation, tips, and advice! You can do…
  • You got a lot of awesome responses. Make sure you're getting enough water. Also, cut salt where you can. Two weeks really isn't much time to notice a huge difference. Also, don't forget your stretches and proper sleep. :] You're headed in the right direction!
  • HI! I'm not new either. I'm trying to lose baby weight and had my own light bulb go off! l have started working out, but with breastfeeding I have had to increase caloric intake or I feel like I am starving to death. What kind of work outs are you doing?