Patricedn Member


  • LOL. I love this!!!
  • That is amazing and I know you feel great. I had a similar revelation the other week when I went to buy new jeans. I knew the ones I had were a little too big but they were comfortable. Well I finally decided to get some new ones and they were 3 sizes smaller than the ones I had on!!! Keep up the good work. You'll love it…
  • I had baked chicken breast with sauteed mushrooms and wild rice pilaf!!!
  • Welcome. I will send u a request.
  • Feel free to add me too!!!
  • From the looks of just what you have, it may be your sodium intake. Update your food settings to include sodium and take a look. High sodium intake leads to water retention and water retention can lead to weight gain. (not my words, heard it from a nurse) If you are taking in high sodium, you may need to drink more water…
  • Next time at the gym you should wear really tight pants and a tank and emphasize your assets!!!! And run right by them. . . .let them watch you leaving or better yet, let them watch IT leave.
  • When I started a little over a month ago I was 440lbs now I am down to 393.6lbs don't be ashamed to write it down because one day you'll want to remember where you started. Feel free to add me.
  • I say eat at least one of them, they still come in 2 right?? You don't want your body to go into "starvation" mode and not burn any food. So eat one and drink lots of water.
  • Well I hope you have tons of luck, this site is great and I have tried to lose weight in the past and got discouraged but I know that this time is different because I actually bought a scale and I talked about it for weeks when I ordered it. I have about 250lbs to lose so I'm on this journey with you.
  • Welcome, I hope that you begin to love this site just as much as everyone else. This site isn't just about losing weight it's about a healthy lifestyle. Feel free to share your thoughts and not be judged because of them. Have a good one meal at a time.