Brand New to My Fitness Pal

My friend, Stefanie turned me onto this. She is doing it as well and loves it. I put in my profile a few days ago and slowly checked it out. So today is my first real try at tracking... one meal down and an input of 45 minutes of stretching.... I want to keep the momentum up for the whole day. One meal at a time is my new motto. I am not focused on pounds needed to lose or a time frame... just one meal at a time. Looking forward to this journey... I work out with a trainer 3 days a week but my food is never good. As a vegetarian it is a challenge not to eat too many carbs. So here meal at a time!


  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Welcome, and the very best of luck to you.I will say that, you will be thanking your friend, for telling you about this site. There is so much support here, and everyone is always there when you need an upliftting. Best of luck to you. Have a wonderful day.
  • LiL_MisS_C
    LiL_MisS_C Posts: 332 Member
    Good luck with your goals, Catherine. Feel free to add me for support. :)
  • Patricedn
    Patricedn Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome, I hope that you begin to love this site just as much as everyone else. This site isn't just about losing weight it's about a healthy lifestyle. Feel free to share your thoughts and not be judged because of them. Have a good one meal at a time.