

  • Hi Suzy, I'm glad you decided to give MFP another chance....I love it!!! Read my profile and send me a friend request if you want, I'd love to be friends :smile:
    in Hi! Comment by bethdigesu July 2011
  • I like Lay's Light chips. I'm not a "clean eater" so the Olestra thing doesn't bother me and I don't get any kind of tummy problems from them either. You can have around 20 chips for 0 fat and 70 calories. I think they are yummy!!!
  • Hello from Alabama I'm so happy for you!!!! I understand what you are going through and with the help of this site and the friends you will have on here, you can do it!!!!! I love this site because you don't have to be ashamed of anything.... we are all in the same boat, trying to get to the same place......a place where…