Ivanna_B Member


  • Ha! I didn't even see your last post until today, Sean! I wonder if there's any way I can rig my app to get notifications when people post to a thread I have posted on? I'm sure my lazy butt will look into that . . . Never! LOL!
  • Nevermind. I couldn't send a friend request. I keep getting an error message from MFP
  • I'm here! I'll send you a friend request! In fact, I'll send everybody on this page a friend request. I'm hoping that we can do a bay area group meet or something one day.
  • CONGRATS ON YOUR WEIGHT LOSS! WOO! HOO! San Franciscan here! And I'm always looking for local MFP friends and activity partners. Feel free to add me if you are looking for local friends and/or activity partners too!
  • Welcome to San Francisco! I LOVE this city! What neighborhoods (FiDi, Mission, Castro, Nob Hill, etc) are you likely to be eating in?
  • I live in San Francisco and been looking for a workout partner too! I'm probably too far to meet regularly but we can probably do special activities (like day long hikes or the like) sometimes together!
  • There are SO many Bay Area members here! Search "San Francisco" or "Bay Area" and you'll find dozens! Most of my MFP friends are from the Bay Area. I just sent you a friends request!
  • I live in San Francisco! There's a lot of other people in the bay area too. Most of my MFP friends are from the bay area!
  • Hi Partyhat65! Although I'm not a vegetarian, I live in San Francisco and am 37 yrs old so I met one of your preferences and am close to another! (: Also, a lot of my MPF friends live in the bay area as well (search the message boards for "San Francisco" and you'll find a lot of other people who are looking for MPF friends…
  • A tad off topic but I'm relatively new to message boards. What does "bump" mean? Is it a good thing like "Yeah baby! Chest bump!" or a bad thing like "Bump that message off this thread" or something else altogether? I saw it a couple of times on this thread and others and don't understand it.
  • That's excellent advice!!!! I joined a running club ("Marathon Matt" in San Francisco) and it was an EXCELLENT motivator! It was scary to do at first because I knew I wasn't a runner and feared I would lag behind everyone. My fears were realized because I really WAS the slowest runner! In fact, people used to look for me…
  • LOL! Rays_Wife, I'm not angry at'cha but I think it's funny that you mentioned the Bruce Pticher episode since that particular episode has become a major source of inspiration for me since it first aired a week and a half ago. Yes, I think losing over 100 lbs in three months is a major feat and wonder about the tactics…
  • You go girl! I know you'll do well! Since you can't toss the food, maybe you can leave litle reminders as to why not to eat them on the food? You know, like a post it note on the bag of chips that says "Your sexy as hell now, but imagine how much sexier you'll feel in those jeans you've been trying to squeeze into" or "Hey…
  • You're destined to be anything YOU choose to be. Don't let others make that choice for you! I actually had a similar yet seemingly opposite problem. I was chubby between the ages of 10-14 and my family nicknamed me dahponzhu (at least it sounded like that. It translates to chubby fat girl in Chinese Mandarin) where as my 2…
  • I love what Shanampls suggested. Are you sure she wants you down to 20 GRAMS of fat per day and not 20 PERCENT? I'm on a 20grams or less per day fat-intake diet -- but I'm on it because I'm part of a research study. I haven't successfully maintained 20 grams of fat yet but will HAVE TO get there by next week (we were given…
  • Hey, jlmdc29! We're you looking for west coast friends to add? If so, add me!
  • We should totally work out together! I recently started seeing a physical trainer 2 times a week. Right now, I go to school and work full time so hitting the gym more than that has been difficult but I'm beginning to realize that all work and no play makes me a dull girl so am planning to start going to physically active…
  • Everyone looks so FAB! Those are some GREAT before and afters! Thank you so much for posting. I'm just 3 weeks (and 4 lb loss) in and needed the inspiration! Thanks!
  • I find that once I go home after work, I don't want to get up again to exercise so I've been taking my gym clothes with me and going to the gym STRAIGHT after work. It used to be hard going to the gym after work (although easier than going after I got home) so I would have to coach myself through it: "I'm just changing my…
  • I live in San Francisco (near Excelsior/Portola neighborhood) and work in the FiDi area. I have a 24 hour fitness center membership. Feel free to add me if you'd like a workout/motivational partner!