

  • Keeping a large water bottle on you at all times is always a great idea. Personally, I like to make a checklist for my 8 glasses in my food diary to tick off during the day, or on a piece of paper at my desk. If you can, aim to have two glasses with each meal, as well as one with your morning and afternoon snacks (or…
  • Plain old black, green or herbal tea has virtually no calories so drink as much as you want! I'm a chronic tea drinker so I know how it feels. Just remember to log any milk and sugar and you're good to go.
    in tea Comment by pinupprosaic April 2011
  • In answer to your first question, I stick it under circuit training-general. Try and keep the duration as accurate as you can; if you take a break or stop early, you won't burn as many calories. As far as your second question is concerned, I don't think there is much of a difference but you never know. Check this out - it…
  • I did one session a couple of days ago and it KICKED MY BUTT. No jokes. It's tough, but I reckon it'll be worth it. I'm from Aus too! Melbourne, to be exact, and I've only heard about it on here. I'll send you a friend request. :)
  • I'm 5'10" and my goal weight is about 165 which is most definitely in the normal BMI range. Admittedly it's a little further towards the overweight category but the point is whether you're happy with your body. Besides, muscle weighs more than fat so it would be better to be 160 and toned than 140.
  • This is one of my personal favourites. The recipes are really tasty and it has recipes tagged from under 400 to under 50.