

  • I don't know my way around the home page. I don't know how to enter a topic.
  • Wow, Joe have you already lost 118 pounds? That is incredible. Were you saying that you would add me? Or were you talking to the woman who wrote the blog? I really need help. I so desire to get started but I just don't know where to start. I'm a compulsive overeater and I would like to lose about 50 pounds. It's not so…
  • Great, how do I add you? I've just started and I need a buddy as well. My goal is to lose 20 kilos, eat right, and get fit. I never quite got down to the size I was before having my last child in 2011, and then I gained nearly another 9 kilos after giving up cigarettes in March this year. PS please reply back when you can,…
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