New here

Hello! I joined a couple of days ago. I gained over 55 pounds in a year. Now I have to lose it over health concerns. Can't wait to meet all of you and get healthy together. Also, You can add me if you like as a fitness buddy. :)


  • Hey Mimi, welcome. I'm also fairly new. Looking for company, hoping to find someone with the right weight loss attitude to help make this journey less lonely and full of positive motivation. Is today your first day?
  • Oh, silly me, you did say you joined a couple of days ago.
  • Great, how do I add you? I've just started and I need a buddy as well. My goal is to lose 20 kilos, eat right, and get fit. I never quite got down to the size I was before having my last child in 2011, and then I gained nearly another 9 kilos after giving up cigarettes in March this year.
    PS please reply back when you can, and please let me know when you want to start.
  • I would be happy to add you. I will send you a request.
  • Wow, Joe have you already lost 118 pounds? That is incredible. Were you saying that you would add me? Or were you talking to the woman who wrote the blog? I really need help. I so desire to get started but I just don't know where to start. I'm a compulsive overeater and I would like to lose about 50 pounds. It's not so much about the weight loss it's more about the person that I've become among other things. But please feel free to add me if you like. Thanks
  • I don't know my way around the home page. I don't know how to enter a topic.
  • Tetesandra
    Tetesandra Posts: 783 Member
    I will add you :smile: