maymekeagy Member


  • Welcome Kattarena, I'm am 46 and somewhat new to MFP too. I just started at the beginning of December and have lost 11 lbs. The holidays were a little rocky but I'm back at it. My goal is 30lbs and then maintain, so I plan to be here awhile. I believe weight loss is hard and it takes determination, commitment and support…
  • Wow! Words to live by. Great job.
  • I also work from home and would find myself rummaging around kitchen every time I was waiting on a call or thinking about a project that I'm stuck on. I also volunteer about 20 hours each week.and would usually grab something on the go not matter what it was. Planning for my day and using the MFP to track every single…
  • Thanks for posting Leanna! Having just started myself less than 2 weeks ago I found your advice helpful and inspiring! I've never been great at time-management but believe it is the key to successful weight loss. I also work from home and