

  • Thank you all for what you said. :) A lot of good points and good advice. I'd quote each one and whatnot but I know that will make my post even more long and I don't want to kill you guys with lots of novels. :) Thank you all again!
  • That's awesome that you like it so much and I'm sure you're hot enough for Chive or friends wouldn't submit photos. :) I like the "chiveskanks" reference. I thought I was being harsh when I felt some were that way but that's a good point about just scrolling past them. And true, I'm sure others see that for what it is too.…
  • Hi everyone. First off, I think theChive is great - I have no problem with it. I know that the issue I have is with my bf and his obsession with theChive - not the site itself . I also know that this reaction is a result of having low self esteem - hence my seeing a therapist and working on making myself better for me so i…
  • Hi stefaniemazz. I know it has been some time since you posted this. I do not know if you still want an answer or not but I felt compelled to reply. For one, I am very familiar with theChive. For two, I found your post because I was looking up to see what others do about their boyfriends that are obsessed with theChive and…
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