Anybody heard of The Chive?!

stefaniemazz Posts: 179 Member
I'm curious if anyone on here has heard of the website "The Chive"

My boyfriend has the app on his phone and looks at it everyday, if you haven't heard of it, its a website that has funny pictures, and pictures of half naked girls.

They have pictures like "Fit Girls" "Hump Day photos", and they are basically photos of girls in their underwear, girls with big boobs and they are all in shape and have great bodies.

Anybody can submit a photo to this website. Not just models.

Not gonna lie, as I am going through this process of trying to lose weight and get in good shape, it bothers me that my boyfriend looks at these girls.

Should I be concerned and jealous that he looks at this website?

Any guys on here look at it?


  • Hi stefaniemazz. I know it has been some time since you posted this. I do not know if you still want an answer or not but I felt compelled to reply. For one, I am very familiar with theChive. For two, I found your post because I was looking up to see what others do about their boyfriends that are obsessed with theChive and while you did not say your boyfriend was obsessed with it, I was wondering how you handled it.

    To answer your question, theChive is a community of people (mostly in ttheir mid to upper 20s), that are all over the world (not sure if it is the world or just the US) with chapters everywhere. theChive and the Chivers and Chivettes (as they are refer to themselves as) do a lot of fundraising and charitable events. Their tag line, if you will, is "KCCO" or "Keep Calm and Chive On". They post photos (either sent in from Chivers and Chivettes or taken from reddit or instagram pages or twitter pages, etc) . The title of each group is what binds all the photos in that group together. They post funny pictures, pictures of animals, facts about movies but mostly they post pictures of Chivettes (women). They are known for their daily groups: Dailiy Afternoon Randomness, Daily Morning Awesomeness and their weekly categories: Hump Day, Mind the Gap, FLBP (Future Lower Back Problems), WTF, Sexy Chivers Among Us, Chivettes Bored at Work, Clothing Tugs, Squishy, Downblouse, Sideboob, Cat Saturday.Photobombs, So you got wasted, etc. Actualy, I was just looking up to see what Bill Murray had to do with it again, as I know it is a big deal, and I came across this article: Hope it helps.

    Anyway, I was wondering what you did about it - if anything? As I said, my boyfriend (who is 37) is obsessed with it. He checks the app like a person checks their phone for new messages or notifications. At first I thought it was just a novelty because he was all excited about it when he was first told about itheChive. When he gets that excited about things, he talks about it nonstop for a few weeks and then drops it. Well, almost a year later, he still checks it like he first found out about it. He used to tell me "ooh tomorrow is hump day"... or "today was mind the gap day on chive".until I told him thank you but I do not need to know. He thinks the community is the best thing ever and loves all the pictures of women on there. It arouses him (seen it happen) and I'm sure he uses it to take of that. Like you, I too am trying to get fit and be healthier and so his behavior bothers me. He knows I am insecure about myself and I have talked about how his frequent pointing out of women and what features he is attracted to (while we are out in public) and very wandering eye (for example) make me feel. I know I have issues which is why I am seeing a therapist and working out and becoming fitter/healthier. I have nothing against the site and what they do. They post a lot of funny things and seem to do a lot of good for people and charities. I just have a problem with my boyfriend's behavior towards it and your post is the closest thing I could find where I think someone may be able to relate to how I feel - even on a small scale.

    Anyway, thank you again for your post. Hope to hear an update or reply from you but regardless, I hope my post helps someone. :)
  • I am going through the same thing.... My boyfriend looks at it daily and it really drives me crazy! When we first started going out I noticed he was saving pictures to his phone... I told him to delete them and he did. But it still bothers me that he looks at all of those girls...I feel like he shouldn't be looking at some others girls boobs or butts!!
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    I feel like this is more of a lack of trust and low self esteem, than anything else.

    My husband looks at half naked photos of women all the time, probably some porn too if I really took the time to snoop... but why would I do that?
    I've even been known to send him a gifs or pictures that have half naked people in it if I thought it was funny - or I wanted him to see it.
    We've been married for 13 years, if he wants to look at a (half) naked photo to pass the time - that's his prerogative, it is in no way a representation of him, me, or our relationship.
    Now, if there was fear that he would be chasing these women down in real life, yeah that would be a problem. But if its found on the internet - it's fair game.

    He also had no problem with me looking up #cockinasock...
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Never heard of it. MFP and MSN are the only two websites I go on besides my FB page.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    If it bothers you that much.... either use it as inspiration or get your own "hunks with junk" apps :drinker:
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    Yes. I avoid it now like the plague. Not good for mental health. But....some of those
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    If it bothers you that much.... either use it as inspiration or get your own "hunks with junk" apps :drinker:

    Seriously... Instagram #cockinasock
  • I love The Chive.

    In fact, I even have a Chive coffee mug and two Chive beer glasses :-)

  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Yep, I'm a is my fiance, we look at the half naked women all the time. It doesn't bother me, I know he loves me and he thinks I'm super hot lol
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Hi stefaniemazz. I know it has been some time since you posted this. I do not know if you still want an answer or not but I felt compelled to reply. For one, I am very familiar with theChive. For two, I found your post because I was looking up to see what others do about their boyfriends that are obsessed with theChive and while you did not say your boyfriend was obsessed with it, I was wondering how you handled it.

    To answer your question, theChive is a community of people (mostly in ttheir mid to upper 20s), that are all over the world (not sure if it is the world or just the US) with chapters everywhere. theChive and the Chivers and Chivettes (as they are refer to themselves as) do a lot of fundraising and charitable events. Their tag line, if you will, is "KCCO" or "Keep Calm and Chive On". They post photos (either sent in from Chivers and Chivettes or taken from reddit or instagram pages or twitter pages, etc) . The title of each group is what binds all the photos in that group together. They post funny pictures, pictures of animals, facts about movies but mostly they post pictures of Chivettes (women). They are known for their daily groups: Dailiy Afternoon Randomness, Daily Morning Awesomeness and their weekly categories: Hump Day, Mind the Gap, FLBP (Future Lower Back Problems), WTF, Sexy Chivers Among Us, Chivettes Bored at Work, Clothing Tugs, Squishy, Downblouse, Sideboob, Cat Saturday.Photobombs, So you got wasted, etc. Actualy, I was just looking up to see what Bill Murray had to do with it again, as I know it is a big deal, and I came across this article: Hope it helps.

    Anyway, I was wondering what you did about it - if anything? As I said, my boyfriend (who is 37) is obsessed with it. He checks the app like a person checks their phone for new messages or notifications. At first I thought it was just a novelty because he was all excited about it when he was first told about itheChive. When he gets that excited about things, he talks about it nonstop for a few weeks and then drops it. Well, almost a year later, he still checks it like he first found out about it. He used to tell me "ooh tomorrow is hump day"... or "today was mind the gap day on chive".until I told him thank you but I do not need to know. He thinks the community is the best thing ever and loves all the pictures of women on there. It arouses him (seen it happen) and I'm sure he uses it to take of that. Like you, I too am trying to get fit and be healthier and so his behavior bothers me. He knows I am insecure about myself and I have talked about how his frequent pointing out of women and what features he is attracted to (while we are out in public) and very wandering eye (for example) make me feel. I know I have issues which is why I am seeing a therapist and working out and becoming fitter/healthier. I have nothing against the site and what they do. They post a lot of funny things and seem to do a lot of good for people and charities. I just have a problem with my boyfriend's behavior towards it and your post is the closest thing I could find where I think someone may be able to relate to how I feel - even on a small scale.

    Anyway, thank you again for your post. Hope to hear an update or reply from you but regardless, I hope my post helps someone. :)

    just out of sheer curiosity,
    youve been here for a long time, and your first post is a novela on this Chive site.
    are you affiliated with the site? just a fan?

    just curious as to how you stumbled on this old thread and why you bumped it.

    did you search for "chive?"

    ETA: no friends, no info, no posts, no progress.

    i dont mean to offend, im genuinely curious.

    ETA2: i reread your post and it seems youre having the same issue with your BF and thats why you searched for chive.

    you girls do know that chive is probably the tamest thing your dudes are looking at, right?
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I would find it strange if my boyfriend said he didn't look at this kind of stuff. I would rather know about it than have it hidden from me. I don't have a problem with it. Also, I would be looking at it as well.
  • Hi everyone. First off, I think theChive is great - I have no problem with it. I know that the issue I have is with my bf and his obsession with theChive - not the site itself . I also know that this reaction is a result of having low self esteem - hence my seeing a therapist and working on making myself better for me so i love me. I do not deny or disagree any of that.

    Secondly, thank you for all the positive feedback and different ways to look at the situation. I really like the idea of using the pictures as motivation. :) Thank you.

    Thirdly, I'd like to reply to you skullshank and am sorry but do not know how you do the quote thing like you did so this will have to do. Sorry!

    Please know that I do not take any offense to what you said so no worries. :) I understand you are curious and appreciate your stating it as such so as to ensure I do not misread your post. To answer your question, no I do not work for theChive or any of its affiliated sites. I have never posted on any of the boards here before because in all honesty, I had no idea the boards existed until the other day when I was doing my search. When I joined MFP in 2011, I did it for the app on my phone. As ignorant as it sounds, I honestly did not know that these forums existed. I never used the website.

    Why did I decide to post now? Only because, yes, I was searching on the internet to see if there were other people out there whose boyfriends were obsessed with it and if so, if any were almost 40 years old too. I was also looking to see if there was anyone with similar feelings as me to the situation. I have googled this many times and never saw anything. Then, this last time I looked, this thread just popped up so I replied. I didn't realize that my replying bumped anything (not even sure what that means to be honest). I have posted on other sites before but always as a new thread, never in response to something. I didn't realize that my doing so would cause a stir in things. Sorry about that. Like I said, I was just hoping to hear about similar experiences and hoping to hear how others cope with their SOs obsessions to theChive (if others even have it). I've never seen someone so obsessed with anything before so this is all new to me.

    As for the long post, I'm sorry. I tend to write a lot no matter what. I'm notorious for sending my friends long texts and long emails. They always joke about reading my novels. I try to curtail what I say but I like to explain things as best as I can. My writing so much about theChive was just because I have learned so much that I wanted to share and help other people because when I first heard of it, I was clueless and certainly didn't understand the culture. I just like to help people and I thought my explanation would be helpful to the original poster and to anyone else that saw it. That's all.

    Also, excuse my ignorance but what does ETA stand for? (referencing: "ETA: no friends, no info, no posts, no progress. ") I only the acronym as estimated time of arrival and I doubt that is what you meant hehe.

    As for knowing it is the tamest thing he is looking at, yes I know that. Honestly, porn doesn't bother me. This bothers me more because these are everyday people he could meet (and will very possibly meet) that are sending these pictures in. He is so obsessed with it and making sure everyone knows he is a part of it (he wants to buy a flag now to hang outside of our apartment) ... it hurts me and makes me feel insecure. I just don't understand it... especially at his age.

    **After posting this, I saw the quote button - sorry about that!**
  • TitzMcGeez
    TitzMcGeez Posts: 104
    I am definitely a Chiver, I've got a bunch of shirts, underwear, coffee mug, even a Keep Calm and Chive on decal on the car.

    The chiveskanks have been plentiful lately, but I just scroll past. Pics of me have been submitted by pals, I've never seen myself on Chive yet, but I just attribute that to the fact that I'm 30, and definitely NOT hot enough for Chive.

    I wont stop lookin at the app anytime soon.
  • I am definitely a Chiver, I've got a bunch of shirts, underwear, coffee mug, even a Keep Calm and Chive on decal on the car.

    The chiveskanks have been plentiful lately, but I just scroll past. Pics of me have been submitted by pals, I've never seen myself on Chive yet, but I just attribute that to the fact that I'm 30, and definitely NOT hot enough for Chive.

    That's awesome that you like it so much and I'm sure you're hot enough for Chive or friends wouldn't submit photos. :) I like the "chiveskanks" reference. I thought I was being harsh when I felt some were that way but that's a good point about just scrolling past them. And true, I'm sure others see that for what it is too.

    May I ask you to explain what draws you so much to it that you want to buy all the merchandise? I do not mean that in any rude way at all nor am I saying it is bad - I get that Chive has awesome stuff posted on there and they do a lot of charitable things but I don't understand why people like it so much? What is it about it that people are so into? I'm only asking to try to understand because if I can understand it, my bf's obsession may not bother me so much.
  • _MG_
    _MG_ Posts: 453 Member
    I love TheChive. I have a few mugs, t-shirts. While yes, there are plenty of scantily clad women - there's some other flat out funny stuff as well. I read of course, read it for the articles™.

    I'm a dude but still got my picture posted on one of the DARs in my "No Probllama" shirt.
  • Whyareyoumad
    Whyareyoumad Posts: 268 Member
    Love the Chive! KCCO from Oklahoma!
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    A site full of half naked, hot women? What don't you understand about your BFs "obsession"? Don't take it personally. Most people like to look at things of that nature.

    BTW, this is the first I've ever heard of it. I've seen the stickers but never stopped to wonder what it was.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Chive is not full of half naked woman. It has some categories where "chivettes" post pictures, but there are tons of categories. Some serious, some funny, some just random stuff. It is the best website on the internet in my opinion and I am an active member. The site promotes random acts of kindness as well. It is all in a positive manner. It is also where Thigh Gap originated I believe (Mind the Gap!) :) KCCO! From Oklahoma!

    and Bill Murray is a supporter so it can't be bad :)

  • TitzMcGeez
    TitzMcGeez Posts: 104
    I am definitely a Chiver, I've got a bunch of shirts, underwear, coffee mug, even a Keep Calm and Chive on decal on the car.

    The chiveskanks have been plentiful lately, but I just scroll past. Pics of me have been submitted by pals, I've never seen myself on Chive yet, but I just attribute that to the fact that I'm 30, and definitely NOT hot enough for Chive.

    That's awesome that you like it so much and I'm sure you're hot enough for Chive or friends wouldn't submit photos. :) I like the "chiveskanks" reference. I thought I was being harsh when I felt some were that way but that's a good point about just scrolling past them. And true, I'm sure others see that for what it is too.

    May I ask you to explain what draws you so much to it that you want to buy all the merchandise? I do not mean that in any rude way at all nor am I saying it is bad - I get that Chive has awesome stuff posted on there and they do a lot of charitable things but I don't understand why people like it so much? What is it about it that people are so into? I'm only asking to try to understand because if I can understand it, my bf's obsession may not bother me so much.

    There's more to chive than the girls. They fund-raise for a LOT of worthy causes. They do volunteer work. I'm at Ft. Sill and when I first got here the Moore Tornado had just happened. There were Chivers from all over the area that pulled together to get in on the cleanup efforts.. There are a LOT of great people that are giving of themselves.

    KCCO from Oklahoma as well!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...for more chapters in this epic novella of a thread.