

  • welcome to mfp!!!!! im new as well just started yesterday! but i really like this site i find it very helpful and there are alot of people you can talk to for encouragment including myself :) i wish you the best of luck!!
  • I completely agree with what you just said. im only starting my weight loss journey and i have a far way to go but i can relate to the before part the more weight i have put on the more i just dont care about my hair and makeup etc.. bc i have been feeling so poorly about myself over all not just one thing. It kind of…
  • thank you for the advice and support :)
  • thank you for the welcome!!! im excited to get started and im really going to take advantage of this wonderful tool!!!
  • thank you so much for the advice! that will be very helpful along the way! I have also learned that cutting treats out altogether may last me like a week and then i break so your advice to just have a little bit is great!