need help!

hi everyone im new at this and would really appreciate any help or advice you can give me:)


  • loveandprideforever
    loveandprideforever Posts: 29 Member
    Keep Up Good Work! When you have a good day, enjoy it and give yourself some credit! When you have a bad day, don't dwell, but recognize that you will do better tomorrow (and then actually DO BETTER tomorrow).

    Use MFP like you text message (if you do, that is. haha). Everytime you put something into your mouth, log it. Don't log until you eat it. Feel free to check on the calorie count via the search base if you are thinking of ordering something that you expect to be high in calories or if you are looking for the lowest calorie option.

    Expect to be surprised by how much you really can stick to your guns about being seriously working towards a goal.

    AND ABOVE ALL ELSE: Believe that you can do this! Work with others to stay accountable! Never think it's too late to change!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    Your starting at a great place! MFP is the best! Plan your work, then work your plan...that's all it takes! ;)
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Welcome and good luck!

    As far as advice goes this is what has worked for me:
    - Log EVERYTHING you put into your mouth.
    - Exercise every day, if you can, and alternate cardio and weights
    - Hardly ever drink alcohol. I almost never drink alcohol but do drink AT Least 8 glasses of water a day.
    - There are not any NO foods. I'll eat pizza but just one slice. I'll eat cake but a tiny piece
    - Cut out processed sugar. I'll use agave nectar and honey, they're natural sweeteners.
    - Plan meals & try to log in what you're going to eat @ the beginning of the day. If I want a specific snack or treat I'll enter it in first thing in the morning.
    - Don't beat yourself up if you go over your daily calorie goal, every once in a while.
    - Weigh in and measure once a week. Remember muscle weighs more than fat.
    - Use MFP as much as you can for support!
  • stacysss
    stacysss Posts: 7
    thank you so much for the advice! that will be very helpful along the way! I have also learned that cutting treats out altogether may last me like a week and then i break so your advice to just have a little bit is great!
  • stacysss
    stacysss Posts: 7
    thank you for the welcome!!! im excited to get started and im really going to take advantage of this wonderful tool!!!
  • ITTYbitty04
    ITTYbitty04 Posts: 75 Member
    welcome to MFP it is a awesome site and a really great tool that will help you stay accountable to what you eat. I agree with the other posts, log everything you eat even on those bad days and do better the next day. I find that if I log my measl the day before and have given real conscious(sp?) though to what i'm going to eat the next day then I do a better job of really sticking to what I have logged in MFP.

    and exercise at least 3 days a week to burn those calories, I wish you luck on your weight lose journey!:smile:
  • stacysss
    stacysss Posts: 7
    thank you for the advice and support :)