

  • My work sells flavor infused sea salts, which I LOVE on top of popcorn. I'm actually going to buy some tonight I think, to help with my evening snacking. They have a chili-sea-salt, and a lavender infused salt which are my favourites.
  • This is where I consume most of my calories as well, so I'm interested to see peoples suggestions. So far I've been trying to eat mandarin oranges, because they're quite sweet, and I pick off every little bit of white pulp on the outside, so it makes them fairly time consuming for me to eat which prevents me from over…
  • Honestly, I'd recommend that you go with the older guy. It sounds like he has his life together and you probably have more of a future with him. The other guy.. clearly your eye is already wandering, and he is leaving soon. Don't lead him on and then leave him as soon as he leaves for the military. That's not fair to him.…