Rashon74 Member


  • You can add me also if you like...
  • Welcome, Welcome, and Welcome!!! Feel free to add me as a Friend if you like :happy:
  • YAY!!!!! Good for you!!! You are very encouraging!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Thanks for this info… I’ll be making a trip to my local Whole Food this weekend. I don’t know how you eat your cottage cheese… but I take about a ½ cup, mix it with some salsa and eat it just like that. It may not sound good to some, but it’s delish!!! Trust me… :smile:
  • I've been wondering the same thing. I've even tried to go into my setup and change a few things around. However, I too have only bee allotted 1200 calories...
  • Adding you now...
  • Hello... You CAN do it!!! This site is full of great people who understand and know what you're going through. I too, am giving this site another try. I'm going to send you a friend request if you don't mind. We can support each other. :smile:
  • Hey there, sending a request your way... I joined this site about a year ago but never really used it. (So I'm pretty much a newbie in need of friends too.) I'd been using an app via my NOOK to count calories. However last night I logged on here and saw how friendly and supportive everyone here is and decided THIS is where…
  • Hello All, I'm Rashon… 1. I’m a Mom of 3 sons… Ages 17, 14, and 12. 2. Nooooo way, lol 3. Although many many moons ago. All of my pregnancies went well. Deliveries 24.5 hrs, 12hrs and 7.5hrs. 4. Whenever I can. I used to have a great routine working out in the mornings after work. However now that I’ve changed jobs I'm…