

  • Wow!! Thanks for all the input guys! I checked the "reports" section and my net calorie intake is averaged at about 1400 calories. So maybe i was wrong before. I'm taking in a lot of water definitely but currently am out of water bottles (purified) so I dont' know if tap water makes a difference to health or anything?…
  • it depends... sometimes i really go over after the workouts and sometimes i stay under. I think i eat at least 1k to maybe up to 1200 calories a day for the most part.
  • Smoking is definitely a meal supressant. I used to be able to go until 3 PM just on water and cigs. i"ve started my quit as of the second the date changed to March 6th so I'm coming up on my one day in a few min. I'm under my calories still and working out with the insanity workout as well as throwing in some runs (week 3…
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