Tiabi Member


  • I found this online. It's not really a recipe but a cooking method. It makes my favorite texture of chicken -hands down. It's not chewy or rubbery at all. Ingredients • Chicken breasts (as many as you’ll need), pounded thin to about one inch • Salt • Pepper • 1 – 2 tbsp olive oil Directions 1. Salt & pepper both sides of…
  • I’m a huge baker too. Some things do freeze pretty well so you can save some for later. Sharing with other people is what works best for me. I’ll bake something up if I’m having people over, or if I’m going out to somebody else’s house. I’ll ask my guests if they would like to take some of the baked goods home for later,…
  • I don’t have an answer, but I do have a comment on the applesauce. When using baking soda, there must be an acidic ingredient in the recipe for the soda to react with. The applesauce is the acid in this recipe, however, pureed strawberries are at about the same PH level as applesauce so that shouldn't be a problem. (If you…
  • Great thanks! I'm going to try something like this.
  • This is probably a stupid question but I’ll ask it anyhow (I’m new to cooking/ handling meat), what kind of steak is this? It looks thicker then deli meat, but thinner than the slabs pieces of steak you get at the meat counter. Do you get a large cut of steak and slice it thinner yourself? Edit** Oops the reply picture…
  • Thanks for the tips, I really appreciate it. :smile: I guess I’ll weigh everything that goes into the pan and save it as a recipe, and then weigh portions as I eat them later. I like the idea of having a generic skillet recipe that I just tweak based on what I’m using that evening.
  • I've been a vegetarian for most of my life so I've checked out quite a few cookbooks. The Moosewood cookbooks are one of my favorites - you can check a sample of their recipes on their website. Vegetarian Times magazine is another really good one. They also have recipes on their site that you can access for free.